4 Types Of Emotional Vampires

4 types of emotional vampires

One of the many factors that promote healthy personal development is our environment: having people who contribute positive emotions and good values ​​to our lives. Unfortunately, some people around us do not contribute positive experiences, and many of them can be described as emotional vampires.

We want friends who make us feel good and who have no internal conflicts. But it is inevitable that at least at some point in life we ​​end up with people who have a tendency to weaken our emotional state.

There are many reasons why emotional vampires make us feel bad. Below we show 4 types of emotional vampires and their characteristics. In this way, you will be able to discover them and distance yourself from them so that you can grow from day to day.

How is the relationship with emotional vampires?

There are two things that emotional vampires need to get what they want. The first thing is time: to be able to get close to the person, emotional vampires must be consistent and win the person’s trust. Once they have begun to gain the person’s sympathy, they must use their second concept: closeness. They begin to take advantage of the victim’s sensitivity and use this to their advantage.

You can not enjoy life when it is invaded by emotional vampires. It can be about a friend, a family member and even your partner. The more intimacy you have with an emotional vampire, the harder it is to get away from the person and counteract the negative effects that can arise.


The negative personality

The “negative personality” will make you feel inferior. These vampires will show off everything you do and are in a negative way, and always point out your shortcomings. They usually say things like “you do not know how to do things well”. They also tend to disagree with your personal opinions, even if they know they are wrong.

However, if you question how they behave, they will only answer that they only want your best. After being close to them for a long time, you will understand that their way of expressing themselves is always based on negative criticism.

The victim

The “victim” is an emotional vampire who never stops complaining about every little negative thing. These people’s vocabulary is made up of constant complaints and fears. Even when things are going well, they will always have something negative to say. They create their own reasons to complain and play victim.

They are unable to provide healthy emotional support because they will always highlight their own lives as more important and they will put their problems ahead of yours. They will not take the time to focus on what is happening to you, and they will never give you unconditional help when you need it.

The non-empathetic personality

Another type of emotional vampire is the non-empathetic personality. Empathy is an important component in personal relationships, so that one can understand the emotional world of another person.


Within their relationships, these emotional vampires show that they have no empathy through their selfish actions. They do not care if they upset a friend, and they never try to put themselves in another person’s shoes.

The melancholy and violent personality

As we have mentioned before, the actions and gestures of emotional vampires are based on the fact that they see the world as a glass that is half empty and not half full. They can find a negative aspect in all situations and they never want to accept new alternatives. They are hard to convince and their motto is that “life is not worth it”.

The fourth type of vampire behaves violently for no reason due to lack of empathy. These people live every day with feelings of anger and arrogance, which greatly affects their surroundings.

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