6 Common Habits In Couples

6 common habits in couples

Romantic relationships are built with time, love and the proper handling of many habits that can begin to emerge, day by day, between two lovers.

When we have been with our partner for a while, these habits can become very harmful to the relationship without us noticing it, especially if we are not vigilant about them. We can start making excuses that make things worse for the relationship. Since a romantic relationship is like a garden, it must be maintained over time.

If we want to approach this topic in a neat and balanced way, it is always good to keep in mind that each partner will have their own, individual characteristics to add to the relationship, and this includes their own way of communicating.

With that said, we will now tell you about some common habits that couples experience, and which can break relationships over time.

What are these six common habits in couples?

1 – To talk only about the daily wear and tear

The beginning of all romantic relationships begins with an exhilarating freshness and enthusiasm to talk about everything and everyone. During the first months, everything is new. However, it is true that we begin to rely on asking automatic questions based on our daily routines after getting to know our partner. This may become a mechanical act.

In order to maintain a healthy relationship, it is important that we stay away from constant conversations that are reduced to topics of conversation about school and / or work. If we do not do that, there will come a day when we do not know what to talk about because we no longer work or go to school!

It is important to stay curious and want to learn more about your partner. This is the key to keeping communication stimulating in couples.

2 – Forget important dates

It is easy for us to forget things, such as the partner’s family members’ birthdays or an event your partner considers very important and wants to share with you. But when we forget these important dates “without meaning to” we seem insensitive. This can break the relationship a little at a time until there comes a point when we do not feel like sharing anything at all with the other.

Noting important dates on your calendar or phone can be a great way to avoid forgetting.

3 – Do not give compliments

We all like to receive compliments, whether it’s about our appearance, our strengths or how good we are as people. These types of comments may be small, but they are fundamental to maintaining the spark in our relationship.

One of the most damaging things we can do in a romantic relationship is to make our partner believe that we are no longer interested in how he or she looks or feels. In response, the person may stop caring about their appearance. This brings us to the next unfamiliar…

4 – No longer care about what we look like

This is a habit that normally develops over time when we no longer see the point in taking care of ourselves in the same way as when the relationship was new. When we were single, we spent a lot of time taking care of ourselves, but since we found our other half, the “need” to look good to ourselves and others has slowly disappeared.

When we talk about being aware of this habit, we do not mean that we should spend hours every day getting ready to pick up the mail, but rather that we are simply showing our partner that we still care about being attractive to him. or her. This is enough to avoid this unfamiliarity.

We also do not have to feel the need to be everyone’s. Just take care of yourself enough to feel good about yourself. Because if you do not like yourself, what will others think?

5 – Put the partner last

We have all been there: our partner suggests that we do something about them, but we refuse. When our friend suggests something similar, however, we are on the notes. This is a habit that really tears apart our partner’s feelings and can lead them to believe that we no longer value them. When our partner no longer feels valued, the whole relationship is at stake. This habit is one that shows our partner that we are no longer interested in investing time in the relationship.

6 – Talk less

Of all the habits, this is one of the most subtle, but also one of the most common. Furthermore , it can be difficult to change once we have realized what we are doing and have accepted it as a “problem”.

Many people dismiss this habit in the belief that it is just “a difficult period” or bad timing (this may be true, but be careful!). Speaking less can lead to loss of communication, which is replaced by mistrust, misunderstanding and disagreement. This in turn can create a void that someone else may need to fill.

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