6 Things My Biggest Mistake Taught Me

6 things my biggest mistake taught me

I once read that the storms of life always have a meaning: Storms arise in our lives for a reason, for us to develop as human beings.

When we go through situations that do not feel good, we will upset our emotional inner self; we will suffer a lot because we wonder “why me” and we will think that we have lost some of our essence and also innocence in the world. We feel strange and confused, and we do not understand the therapeutic value of pain.

When we go through difficult periods, one of two things happens: Either we fall or we get over them and become stronger people. It does not matter if we believe in karma or not. We are talking about something much more pragmatic: experience is changing us.


The things that happen go through our body and our mind with such intensity that we ask ourselves things that we have never done before. When we notice that something is happening to a neighbor or a friend, we see things very clearly, but when something happens to ourselves, it hurts and we feel emotionally affected by it.

It is always said that the most important thing is not to do if you fall, but that you get up and that the important thing is that you learn from your mistakes. This means that we go through an evolution due to what the environment teaches us.

It would have been best if we had not had to take all these bangs, but there is no manual for life. And even though we believe we have one, we live in a world where things change. The wisest people in the world adapt to change and they tell themselves that it is not the strongest who survives but the one who is best adapted to handle change, and a change is always about making a mistake and then learning from this.

I have learned more from my biggest mistake than from my biggest success

Think about the mistakes you have made in life and choose what has been the “worst”. Have you ever thought about how important it was that you learned from this mistake? Have you ever felt that you have freed yourself due to the mistakes you have made?

In this article, we will teach you things that you have never thought of regarding this. Some of the lessons we learn from our mistakes are far more important than we could have imagined.

My biggest mistake taught me that:

Cat and woman
  • Life can bring us good and bad surprises: We must be prepared for the adversities that may come, and there is nothing better than to cope with them ourselves.
  • Not all emotional help is useful. The important thing is its quality, not its quantity: it is important not to seek all kinds of emotional help, but only the one that will be useful.
  • Thanks to my biggest mistake, I have been able to get to know myself the most: It is said that we do not know ourselves properly until we have gone through an emotionally difficult or financially difficult period.
  • Everything happens, everything changes and nothing lasts forever: a pain or a disappointment will become easier to deal with over time. If you act according to your principles, your future will be easier to manage and your pain will decrease.
  • Mistakes can be corrected, but disappointments are irreversible: You can correct and learn by mistake. You can forget the people who have let you down, but you can not forget how they made you feel.
  • Thanks to everything I learned, I am a better person today: Thanks to everything I learned, I am a different person today. I am no less sensitive ; I am simply a person who sees the future more clearly and who has more self-confidence and an ability not to listen to what is not interesting.

My biggest mistake has taught me to resist other problems

Making mistakes is a fundamental part of our development and evolution.

But if we learn from our mistakes every time , we will learn to get up faster. Because if we do not make mistakes in life and learn from them, we will live a very limited life.

Photos by Elena Lishanskaya and Lucy Campbell.

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