9 Things That Only Empathetic People Understand

9 things that only empathetic people understand

Empathy is a characteristic of people who are able to live in another person’s situation, and feel their pain and love, worries and hopes.

This social capacity is far from as widespread as we would like it to be, and those who possess it really stand out from the crowd. There are simply situations that only empathetic people understand.

Want to know who they are? Here are some of them:

1. It is possible to have good intentions even in the most difficult moments

Empathic people have the ability to tolerate shortcomings in other people. They can therefore understand them even in the worst situations, and they can understand that they still have good intentions.

2. The first impression is not always the right one

It is very rare that we can offer the best of ourselves at a first meeting. Maybe not at the second or third meeting either.

Empathetic people understand that the first impression is not as important as it is often said, and that it is possible that the person is seen as better as the confidence in this person grows. They know that it takes a lifetime to get to know a person.

3. Listening is the best gift you can give a friend

We all appreciate when others listen to us and let us speak without judging ourselves. Empathetic people know that it is good to be able to listen, and when someone needs to speak, silence is a gift.

Empathetic people

4. Know when to stop and when to leave

Empathic people feel the pain of people they care about, and know when they need to be on hand as a support. But they can also understand if a person needs time for themselves, and then choose to take a step back.

5. It is difficult to end toxic relationships

One difficulty that empathetic people have is cutting ties with people who are toxic in their lives because they are emotionally attached to them.

For many others, it can be easy to cut ties with the people who make them feel bad, but for empathetic people, it is very difficult to really do this.

6. Others do not always live up to expectations

Empathetic people know what others need and when to help someone. But when they themselves need help from others or expect something, they do not always get what they want. This gives them a feeling of emptiness and frustration.

Even when this happens, they are not able to give back with the same coin, but they continue to be as they always have been.

7. Thinking about what to say before you say it is very important

Empathetic people think about what to say before they speak, especially when the joy or mood of another person is at stake. They look for words that the other person needs to hear and say this with finesse, and look for a way that does not hurt the other person.

Empathetic people

8. Playing the devil’s advocate is one of the specialties of empathetic people

Empathetic people sometimes find themselves in complicated situations where they have to play the devil’s advocate in order to help other people sort out their thoughts.

Empathetic people are not content to just say what the other person wants to hear, but they also want to show reality with efficiency and intelligence.

9. Life is never black or white, but goes in different tones of gray

Empathetic people do not live life in an extreme way; they prefer the shades. When someone else behaves in an extreme way, empathetic people can show that not everything is black or white, and show the possibilities that exist along the way.

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