7 Psychological Techniques For Losing Weight

7 psychological techniques for losing weight

Losing weight is a big difficulty for many people. Our society has made us adore the physical appearance and has made it a personal value even though it should not be. After all, one can not see whether a person is superior or inferior to another just based on appearance.

This constant preoccupation with fitting into beauty standards and gaining the acceptance of others is partly responsible for the many psychological ailments that revolve around having a perfect figure, such as anorexia and bulimia.

Emotions are almost always hidden behind obesity. In these cases, people use food as a patch to temporarily cover up problems they do not know how to deal with. Therefore, it is necessary to integrate cognitive, emotional and behavioral techniques to help them lose weight.

Forget miracle diets, because they almost always turn out to be scams. All they do is take your money and your motivation when you notice that they are not giving the desired results. They can even be dangerous to your health.

The only way to lose weight is to follow a tailored diet created by an expert and supplement it with a good amount of physical exercise. It is the simplest but at the same time most complicated situation. Want to know how to do? Psychology can help you.

Do not forget to exercise

Psychology is a discipline that can offer you many techniques for self-control. Obesity is often a consequence of impulsivity rather than emptying the fridge or not being organized enough to exercise frequently. And when people see themselves gaining weight, it is common to lose morale and surrender to chance and impulse.

To break the circle , the first step is to be prepared to take action. In other words, to make it clear to yourself that you want to change and be ready to put all your energy into it. It will not be easy, but you will feel so fulfilled if you reach your goal.

We often eat and eat until the plate is empty for the simple reason that there is food left on it, even though we are no longer hungry. It may seem obvious, but if you want to lose weight, get rid of your huge plates and buy smaller models.

That way , you will only be able to serve normal portions to yourself, and no more. You can always get more food, but having to go to the kitchen, serve yourself and eat a second plate of food will make you think about it a lot more.

If you go shopping when you are hungry, you will probably buy high-calorie foods, such as processed pastries, chocolate, etc. It is better to shop immediately after you have eaten and are still full, so that the brain rather than the stomach can guide you.

If you can avoid having foods like this at home, it will also be much easier to resist the temptation.

Never act hungry

It may not be advisable to eat high-calorie foods, but it is also not good to just eat low-calorie foods that leave you hungry. If you are not full after a meal, you will probably overeat high-calorie foods later. Therefore, you should eat healthy, but eat your fill.

People often use food to cover up negative emotions. It serves as a negative and positive encouragement, so that every time you feel bad you go to the refrigerator or pantry. In this way, the negative feeling is dampened, and you feel better.

The problem is that you only feel better for a while, after which you start to feel guilty. Therefore , you need to learn to manage your emotions and accept them as part of you. Do not try to escape from them by blaming them to the stomach with guilt in your eyes.

The idea is to avoid feeling hungry and then overeat to compensate for it. Just as it is not recommended to follow low calorie diets, it is also not recommended to eat only a few times during the day. This is because you can then start snacking between meals.

It is better to eat six well-established meals so that there are no gaps when you feel hungry and tempted.

Everything that is forbidden will be things you crave, so do not forbid food. This does not mean that you are free to eat anything at any time, but you should allow yourself to eat them at least once a week. This way you will get them out of your head and make them less attractive.

Many of the most satisfying foods for the taste buds are the least wholesome. A good strategy is to maintain a rational internal dialogue about the food you choose to consume.

Think about food rationally

For example, if you want to eat a sausage sandwich, you can tell yourself that this is unhealthy food made from low-quality meat mixed with sugar, and the only thing it will give me is temporary pleasure. Do you still want to eat it?

In addition to these weight loss strategies , do not forget about daily exercise, fluid balance, surrounding yourself with high quality people, tackling challenges with integrity and finding solutions that work. If you can integrate these techniques into your daily life, what seemed extremely difficult will become a subconscious habit.

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