Today Is The First Day Of The Rest Of Your Life

Today is the first day of the rest of your life

This day is a gift and it would have been good to reflect a little on the time you have left to live and how you will enjoy this time. Of course, we do not know when we will leave this beautiful world, so we must try to become better people with each passing day.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life. The time when you leave behind your mistakes and learn from them. A beginning of a fantastic future full of satisfaction. You have to decide what to do and take that necessary “break” to separate yourself from the person you were yesterday.

This day is very important

Thinking too much about the future or the past means that we cannot be happy in the present. We can not change what has happened and what will happen is a mystery. We will be much happier if we think about the present. Do you want proof?


“Tomorrow I will start my diet.” “I will call my friend next week.” “I will have time to train when I graduate.” All these future promises are the perfect excuse to do nothing today.

It is true that the day has only 24 hours and that we can not do everything we want, but it may be time to analyze what your priorities are and give them the weight they deserve.

Imagine that this day is your last day

What would you have done if you found out that this was the last day you would see a sunrise? Who would you visit? What words would you utter? How would you feel? I suggest that you perform this exercise daily. Not for you to get depressed and think about death, but for you to be able to take advantage of your hours in the best way.

Do not wait until tomorrow if you want to apologize, say you love someone or give someone a hug. Now is the best time to meet and say the unspoken words or perform the actions you have in mind. If you do not do it today, when will you do it? Do not let this opportunity disappear. Do not wait until tomorrow because you do not know what will happen.

This day will be amazing

When you realize how amazing it is to live in the present and no longer long for the past or the future, you will be able to enjoy the little things in life such as the rain, a butterfly flying around you or the minutes when you look at your sleeping children.

This day is the first of the rest of your life. This phrase is a tribute to perfection, to freeing oneself from the chains. Bitterness, hatred and depression are emotions that weigh you down and do not allow you to walk freely. You have now decided to live in the present and get rid of them.


Do not be afraid of this. Remember that this is your greatest gift that no one can take away from you. No matter how old you are. Enjoy everything you have around you, no matter how small or large.

You always have the opportunity to start. To start today. To be that person you were proud of. Be your own hero. Constantly improve yourself. Do not forget to smile, to be grateful and forgive.

Today is the most important day of the rest of your life. It’s the perfect day to become a new person, full of good intentions and without any pressure, hurt feelings or chains that hold you to the past.

As you walk along the path, look at it, at your shoes and at the landscape around you. Do not turn your head to see what you left behind, and do not use binoculars to bring the future closer to you. You will step by step get closer to everything you are looking for. Do not forget that this day is the beginning of something better. It’s the first day of your new life.

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