4 Qualities Of A True Friend

4 qualities of a true friend

Friends are a strong and infinite pillar in people’s lives. We can even say that they are our life partners. It is well known that friends do a lot to help us when we need it. Research confirms that a large and stable social support system increases our life expectancy.

“Love consists of a single soul that inhabits two bodies.”


But many times doubts arise in friendships. What is the difference between a true friendship and a simple acquaintance? What emotional demands does this friend live up to that make him or her so unique and that categorize the person as a “best friend” or “soulmate” in our heart?

According to Rober Rowney, a psychologist and head of the Mood Disorders Unit at the Cleveland Clinic, there are certain habits that differentiate a true friend from one who is not.

So how can we distinguish between a true friendship and an ordinary acquaintance?

4 traits of true friends

1. They encourage us to accept more of ourselves

As humans, we tend to be very critical of ourselves, which can make us think of things about ourselves that are not constructive. Psychologist Rowney points out that a true friend encourages us when we are too negative and says that “people tend to feel better when they are surrounded by people they are close to, who provide them with support and encouragement when they need it.”

Close friends will be those who express disagreement when they think we are too harsh on ourselves. “True friends naturally increase our self-confidence, and at the same time, we feel better about encouraging a friend.”

Inviting friends

2. They tell us when we are wrong

They have enough confidence to make it clear that they want what’s best for us, and let us know when we’re really making a mistake. None of us are perfect, and our friends have the ability to be aware of our mistakes and then share them with us for educational purposes. “They can point out what we do well and what we do worse, and are able to give us the support we need in both cases.”

Subtlety also reveals who is really special in our lives and who plays an important role in our daily lives. “If it’s a new friend or someone who is not very close to you, he or she will not dare to say something that may bother you while a true friend, someone you really trust, knows how to say what you need to hear. It is very important to have friends who are clear and forthright. ”

Problems at the café

3. You can trust their help and support

One of the great qualities of your best friend that he will love to share is his concern for you. “A true friend is there to take care of your needs as if they were his own,” Rowney confirms.

If you want to test this, pay attention to whether friends use or put their mobile phones on silent when you do something important together. A study conducted in the UK in 2012 supports the idea that the presence of a mobile phone can distract us when we are with another person. Your best friend will not let it come before you.

Paper men

4. They listen to you with their heart

An old habit of the majority of all people is that they can not avoid changing the subject to themselves when talking to others. I’m sure you agree that conversations with true friends are not monologues.

Friends by the water

When we are able to have an open dialogue with another person, we get greater opportunities to strengthen the relationship. Paul Sacco, PhD and Assistant Professor at the School of Social Work at the University of Maryland, confirms that the key to a balanced conversation between two people is to actively pay attention to what the other person is saying.

HuffPost Healthy Living confirms this with the following: “People who are good at listening confirm other people’s feelings. They show them that what they say is meaningful and worth listening to. ”

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