Being Overwhelmed By Work And Its Consequences

If you limit the time you work and instead take care of your life to a greater degree, you will improve your quality of life.
Being overwhelmed by work and its consequences

It is common to be overworked these days because so many people spend more and more time at work. Some work almost all the time.

People leave their homes early in the morning to work and return very late, which means they spend most of these days at work.

How can too much work have a negative impact on your life? If you spend too much time on the job, you will not be able to spend much time on other parts of your life.

If you work too much, you will have less time for your own personal needs; you will also not be able to spend so much time with family and friends.

These are just some of the negative effects of overwork.

Being overworked reduces your quality of life

Ana Alcayaga is head of risk prevention at USS and believes that an overload of work is a risk that reduces one’s quality of life and productivity.

This statement is supported by the conclusions of the Spanish National System for Occupational Health (SISESAT).

This study also addresses the physical and psychological risks that can arise when working too much.

Being overworked carries many health risks and reduces your quality of life.

The reason for this is that you will impair your physical and psychological well-being even if you really like what you are doing. In fact, productivity decreases as the hours go by.

When you spend too much time working, the mind becomes “saturated” and you do not succeed in achieving as much.

Overloaded with work and with anxiety

A hard day’s work can put you at risk of anxiety.

In other words, stress occurs when the overload leads to the secretion of too many hormones such as cortisol (also known as the stress hormone).

This hormone prepares you for certain types of situations, and is therefore not harmful in small doses.

As too much cortisol is secreted due to constant stress and anxiety, it will over time lead to problems. It can manifest itself as chest pain, abdominal pain and palpitations.


It is not uncommon for people who work a lot to start having difficulty sleeping, which sometimes results in chronic insomnia.

The workload is such that one’s mind cannot relax before it is time to go to bed. This means that you can not rest, which means that the next day will be even more exhausting, both physically and mentally.

The social relations are broken down

Being overloaded with work also means that you can not spend as much time with the people close to you.

You may hardly get to meet your partner, friends, siblings, children, parents, etc. You become that beloved person who is always absent, and no one else expects anything from you except money.

Burnout syndrome

The World Organization (WHO) has now officially recognized burnout syndrome.

This organization classifies it as a disease that affects people on both an emotional and psychological level.

It mainly affects the people who work because they constantly live with both stress and anxiety.

More and more people from different sectors are affected by this syndrome. According to data from a recently published study, we are getting more and more doctors who say that they feel burnt out.

In fact, there are many in healthcare who feel burnt out. Even in many other professions, this problem increases every day.

Remember that you must limit the time you work, otherwise your quality of life will decrease.

It is therefore important that you become aware of the effects that can occur when you work too much, and how you can work preventively so that you are not affected from the beginning.

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