10 Steps To Become A Good Co-worker

A good co-worker makes all tasks more pleasant. In today’s world, we spend a lot of time working, so it is important for general productivity that we can count on our work environment consisting of constructive people. And if we ourselves are wonderful co-workers, then our colleagues will enjoy working with us and being around us.
10 steps to becoming a good co-worker

Finding a good co-worker is one of the best things that can happen to you at your workplace. Just think of all the time you spend at work.

If you have someone you can count on by your side, someone who makes your day more enjoyable, then everything will be easier. Although there are other factors that contribute to making your job more fun, this is one of the most important.

Of course, everyone wishes they had a wonderful co-worker. But you should ask yourself if you are doing what you can, and have the right attitude, to become a good co-worker yourself .

Social exchanges work thanks to reciprocity: your way of treating others will determine how they treat you.

To be good company to others, one must be present, attentive and willing to exercise a good influence. What can you do to become a good and supportive co-worker? Follow these 10 steps!

1. Everything is based on respect

A good co-worker knows how to show respect for others. This means that you accept others as they are and that you can admit that you have different opinions without wanting to change the other person.

Respect is also about approaching others with care and kindness.

2. Share available resources

It often happens that people need to share resources in the workplace. This is one of the most common sources of conflict.

And in such cases, it is necessary to create mechanisms that allow everyone to make use of the available resources.

It is important to know when to give in, while at the same time standing up to safeguard your own right to use them.

Offer guidance when needed

Everyone needs to ask for help to solve a problem at some point during their professional career. A good co-worker is willing to provide guidance.

It is not a matter of doing other people’s tasks for them, but of providing them with the pieces, tools or concepts they need.

4. Support other co-workers

It is normal to sometimes have to go through difficult periods at work. In such moments, having the support of a colleague can be a blessing.

This does not mean that you become a co-worker’s therapist. But it is important to understand them and listen to them when they are upset and to offer encouragement when they feel unmotivated.

Small actions can make a big difference.

5. Allow others to make mistakes

Keep in mind that you and your co-workers are human and that you will therefore in all probability make mistakes.

A bad co-worker will take the opportunity to point out a person who is failing in a task or to remind you of the mistake from time to time.

On the other hand, a good co-worker who realizes that it is normal to make mistakes will offer others help to make amends.

6. Learn to listen

To know how to listen to your co-workers is to take an active role in focusing on what they say. You should process this information and connect it with what you already know.

Listening shows that you care about the other person, that you try to understand her on her terms and that you value what she says.

Being a good listener is a sign of openness and it leads to better communication in general.

7. Meet conflicts by talking about them

Conducting a conversation to resolve a conflict that may arise is something extremely important in a workplace. It is a very constructive skill you benefit from when working in a group.

Therefore, it is unwise to be silent if you are bothered by something. But inflating the problem only makes things worse. Instead, you should try to express yourself calmly and straightforwardly.

8. Learn from more experienced colleagues

Many people do not like it when they notice that a co-worker knows more than they do. This is not a particularly smart attitude. On the contrary, it makes more sense to have an open attitude towards those who have more experience than oneself.

Listen to what they have to say and see it as a chance to develop professionally.

9. Collaborate instead of compete

To cooperate means to work as a team, on equal terms, and to give their best to achieve a common goal.

If you instead compete with your employees, you only focus on your own goals to surpass everyone else, and this creates a hostile work environment.

As you strive to achieve a common goal, remember the famous African proverb that goes: “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together ”.

10. Affirm the achievements of your co-workers

An insecure person with low self-esteem has a hard time acknowledging other people’s successes. On the other hand, a good co-worker tries to appreciate what his colleagues achieve, as this contributes to a positive work environment.

Try to apply these ten rules to become a good co-worker, and you will make your work more enjoyable.

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