The Psychological Benefits Of Living In The Countryside

Do you know the benefits of living in the countryside? How is living in a rural environment different from living in a big city? In this article, we take a closer look at what it is like to live in the country.
The psychological benefits of living in the countryside

Living in the countryside is becoming more and more popular because of its benefits. The fact that the country is becoming increasingly sought after is noticeable in the fact that weekend excursions to nature are increasing, and this despite the fact that the cultural scene in the big city can be much more varied.

Of course, life in the country lacks some advantages such as cultural variation and job opportunities. There are often other problems as well, such as limited internet access. However, a rural environment can enrich the lives of those who live there.

For example, people in the countryside generally have more contact with nature. It is also common for them to experience more personal relationships, as well as to have more time to enjoy them. Do you know the benefits of living in the countryside?

Pros and cons of living in the countryside

More and more people are leaving their hectic city life behind for a slower lifestyle. They want to try to escape the stress that life in the city brings. Making the decision to settle in the country means prioritizing the benefits you get over the restrictions you have to live with. This article presents a presentation of the most obvious advantages and disadvantages.

A woman looking over a lake towards a small village


The benefits of living in rural areas can be summarized in the following points:

  • Buying or renting a house is generally cheaper in the country. The cost of living in rural areas also tends to be lower than in the big city.
  • Friendships tend to be closer between individuals in a small community than between city dwellers.
  • Hours previously spent in traffic or on public transport are replaced by walking, which is better for your health and is a much better use of your time.
  • Eating habits are usually healthier in the country thanks to the availability of healthy and fresh ingredients from the garden, nearby farms with seasonal fruits and vegetables, and from hunting and fishing. Of course, the local country store will still have some processed foods. But they will definitely not take up as much space on the kitchen table as when you live in the city.
  • Wide, open surfaces give a feeling of serenity. They create a contact between you and nature and help you maintain your peace. This is in contrast to life in large cities which can be extremely stressful due to various factors (such as noise, traffic, poor air quality, pollution, lack of time, etc.).
  • Work in the countryside is generally more person-oriented, with daily personal contact with a relatively large number of people, which encourages socialization.
  • When young people move to the country, they help to repopulate certain areas where the inhabitants are older. On many occasions, these measures have even saved small villages from extinction.


Here are some of the disadvantages of living in the countryside:

  • Access to technology and social networks may be limited.
  • For some procedures or paperwork, it may be necessary to go to the city. Of course, thanks to the internet, this necessity is becoming less and less common.
  • Getting good medical care can be a little tricky in the country. This is especially true for those who suffer from chronic diseases or those who need regular medical care.
  • Job opportunities and various entertainment options can be quite limited in rural areas.

Psychological benefits of living in the countryside

Despite the disadvantages, many have decided to make drastic changes in their lives by moving to the country. Living in the countryside can give a feeling of peace and quiet that life in the city can not match.

In addition, the limitation of electronic network connections of various kinds can help promote better personal communication with others in society. This has always been an important aspect of village life.

The feeling of belonging, focus on personal friendship and contact with nature also helps to avoid feelings of isolation and unwanted loneliness. This in addition to other emotional problems.

Living in the countryside is therefore a protection against the feeling of loneliness. You not only get the benefits of closer communication with other people but also the access to nature and outdoor life whenever you want.

This environment makes it easier to live in the present and to enjoy the emotions that nature has to offer. It can be things like the large selection of different fresh foods to enjoy in different outdoor environments, such as a nice sunny walk early in the morning.

Benefits for the elderly

Older people can also benefit from new people entering the area. The rural scene is updated, in addition to the extra influx of resources that society can enjoy. The presence of children also helps to enliven life.

Even more important for the elderly is the company and the help they can get from younger members of society. As we mentioned above: the country, this is where you can find strong and healthy friendships. This is an added benefit for older people.

A boy and his grandfather are enjoying time together outdoors

Personal relationships during childhood

Rural environments also give children more freedom to run around and play outdoors. Small villages are generally safer than large cities. Here children can play sports and be with their friends without the extreme vigilance needed in a city.

Ecologically, life in the country can increase children’s sensitivity to and awareness of the environment. When parents take advantage of this and educate their children in how to take care of the environment, they help create a sustainable future for their children.

In short, there are many benefits to living in the countryside for people of all ages. Choosing to settle in the country, however, means that you must carefully analyze both advantages and disadvantages before making a decision. Do not forget that you and your family will have to live with that decision every day of the year.

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