5 Phrases That Can Change Your Life

5 phrases that can change your life

Words are more powerful than we think. Thanks to them, we feel emotions and an endless longing. They can make us laugh out loud or cry bitterly. They form phrases that can change your life and give you a new purpose.

There are phrases that end wars, others that start them. Many phrases determine the fate of a person who sinks into the dune. They encourage them to give their all. These phrases are the ones that become the engines of the world.

The phrases that can change your life are the ones that promote courage and honesty. They make you give the best of yourself, and remember who you are and who you want to be. They may seem boring at first, but they contain fundamental values ​​for human development.

5 phrases that can change your life

“No one can make you feel inferior without your permission”

This ironic yet true phrase was coined by the American politician and author Eleanor Roosevelt. As she herself said, no one has the power to make you feel inferior if you do not give it to them.

Do not let yourself be pushed down by anyone. No one has the right to humiliate others, and whoever does so shows very little upbringing and respect for others. If you do not let hurtful comments affect you, they will lose all their power.

Woman with hat

“Being alone is not as bad as being with someone who makes you feel alone”

Robin Williams coined this sad statement. We live in a society that tells us that not having a partner is a sign of weakness. We have been told that we must be with someone else to feel perfect. This is completely wrong.

We must learn to be alone, because it will help us avoid emotional dependence and its harmful consequences. Being with someone must be a choice, never a necessity.

“Making mistakes is learning”

Many people cannot accept their mistakes. They think it’s wrong to be weak, when in fact it is wise. Toddlers need to fall over and over again until they learn to walk. The same goes for adults. A mistake is a possibility.

If you have never made a mistake, it is because you have never tried. To be able to advance forward, it is important that you learn to fall and that you accept failures.

“To love yourself is the beginning of an eternal love”

Love yourself. Love yourself as you would have loved the love of your life, because in the end, this is what you are. Oscar Wilde coined this fourth phrase. He considered it necessary to treat each other with respect and understanding. Take care of your body and yourself and let no one tell you that you are useless.

Loving yourself means removing the habits and people that only hurt you. You need to make sure you are feeling well. Throw away what makes you not feel good.

Woman by meadow

“If you do not have enemies, it means you have never fought for anything”

Winston Churchill knew that certain decisions could bring him many enemies. However, he still chose to act in accordance with his principles because he felt it was the right thing to do.

Fight for what you consider necessary. There will be people who encourage you and others who will not agree with you. Respect the latter, but do not let them affect your purpose if you think it is right.

The fundamental thing that these phrases emphasize is self-esteem. Love yourself and respect yourself. Fight for what makes you happy and do not let others make decisions for you. The fight for happiness is not without failures, but the important thing is to move forward to change your life.

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