Bitterly Sweet People: Actions Say More Than Words

Bitter people: actions say more than words

Each of us touches people in different ways. Thus, there are people who prefer close contact and others who want more distance. There are people who are easy to trust other people, and others who are more on their guard. In that sense, there are also people who make your life bitter while others have an ability to make it sweeter. Then we have bittersweet people.

When we interact with sweet people, we feel like we are listening to our favorite song or a beautiful melody. They treat us well and know how to use the right words to make us feel good. They are sincere in a sensitive way. They are very different from people who make our lives bitter.

There are people who make us believe that they are the best thing that has happened to us because they say exactly what we want to hear. With their praise, it is often the case that they want our approval or make us feel good. They can also try to achieve both goals at the same time. In any case, their actions often reveal them when their words are not sincere.

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For example, someone may say that we are best at taking care of children, but never let us look after their own children. No matter how sweet their words are, their actions show what they really like about us, which can be harmful. But sometimes it’s hard to try to push them aside. Even though we know that their words are not true, we are tempted to revel in them.

It is as if we forget the pain they have inflicted on us for a while. Their words produce such a sense of security and confidence that it is difficult to come back to reality and understand that they are lying.

If someone’s words do not match their actions, it is likely that they will make your life bitter. In addition, they usually have the following characteristics:

  • They are not sincere. Once you catch them in their first lie, you start to become more suspicious. You begin to realize that other facts that they may have shared with you may be false or that they have other motives.
  • They are not spontaneous. Lying is complicated. It requires a lot of memory and self-control.
  • What makes you feel bad is not important to them. They do nothing to help you or change their behavior, even when you tell them about the things that make you feel uncomfortable.
  • They manipulate. In their words, they make you feel guilty for not acting in a certain way. They take advantage of what you say and do not hesitate to turn it against you and to their advantage.

People who use your words against you to take advantage of you are not worth it. They are just trying to hurt you or seek their own benefit. There is an agenda involved. If you feel trapped by a person’s words that do not treat you well and repeatedly make you feel bad, you should stay away from them.

Now, of course, not everyone is artificially sweet. On the contrary, there are many who actually believe what they say when they praise us. There are also many who give us sincere compliments. They point out what they like about us because they really like us.

Sometimes it is difficult to know how to protect ourselves from people who make our lives bitter. Especially if they use sweet words at the same time. However, there are several strategies that can help us. For example. to:

  • Set limits.
  • Trust ourselves.
  • Appreciate ourselves.

Protecting ourselves from people who make our lives bitter is our responsibility. If we can set boundaries, why not do it? In this way, it becomes easier to protect ourselves.

Woman in profile out in sunny nature area holding her shoulder

Protecting ourselves from people who are deceptively charming helps us to free ourselves from them. Little by little, these people become toxic. They do it gradually to make it harder for us to break free from them. Some of the benefits of setting boundaries are:

  • More peace.
  • Less stress.
  • Less debt.
  • Greater security.
  • Improved self-esteem.
  • Increased self-awareness.
  • More harmony.

Self-awareness will be your friend when it comes to setting boundaries with a bittersweet person. Having a better contact with yourself also makes it easier to be more determined.

Do not let your life become a living hell. Remember that there are “artificial sweeteners” everywhere. Stopping them or not is up to you. Why listen to someone who says sweet words but treats you badly? in the end, the person’s actions say more than words, no matter how sweet they may seem.

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