Viktor Frankl’s Wise Words About Love, Meaning And Courage

We can learn valuable life wisdoms by reading about people who have experienced difficult trials in life and still managed to move on. Viktor Frankl is one such example. Viktor Frankl’s wise words can really affect our lives. Here are some of his best!
Viktor Frankl's wise words about love, meaning and courage

Viktor Frankl’s wise words give us important lessons about life. They fill us with hope when the world becomes gloomy and there seems to be no way out. And not just because of the words themselves, but because they are the fruit of his own personal history and experience.

Viktor Frankl was an Austrian psychiatrist, neurologist and philosopher, as well as the founder of logo therapy. He experienced the horrors of the Holocaust with his own eyes as a prisoner in several Nazi concentration camps. And it was from that experience that he wrote Life must have meaning . This is his most famous book where he tells of how he was confronted with terrible adversity.

In all his books, Viktor Frankl teaches us about the importance of living lives that have meaning and significance. He emphasizes our need to change ourselves when we cannot change the circumstances around us.

Undoubtedly, Frankl is a role model in survivability and self-improvement that has left a great legacy for us, which we can remember with some of his best quotes. 

Viktor Frankl showed with his own life how to overcome adversity

Viktor Frankl’s wise words

The courage to cry

One did not have to be ashamed of tears, because the tears testified that a person had the greatest possible courage; the courage to suffer. ”

Crying is not a sign of weakness, but rather a sign of courage. Tears include the courage to express what we feel and how we feel. They help us to release things that suffocate us and lock us in; they speak when the words are not enough to express what fills our soul.

Tears help us relieve the pressure, communicate and tell others that we are suffering, that we are not feeling well, and to show others who we really are. Tears are a cry for empathy and support from others.

The search for meaning in life

“When people cannot find a deep sense of meaning, they indulge in pleasure.”

For Viktor Frankl , the search for meaning in life was the very core of life. The result is that when people find no meaning, it is power and pleasure that become the main driving forces behind their behavior. These begin to control the person’s life and in turn lead to meaninglessness and the experience of existential emptiness.

This is because people make the search for happiness a goal in itself. They sink into spirals of pleasure that never satisfy them but only act as a patch that temporarily numbs their pain.

“When people’s search for meaning bears fruit, they not only become happy, but it also gives them the ability to deal with their suffering.”

Finding a purpose; Discovering the meaning of life is truly transformative, for it changes everything, even one’s ability to face adversity. If people find the answer, they can confront all the questions of life, because then their suffering becomes a challenge.

“The purpose of my life is to help others find meaning in theirs.”

After his experience as a prisoner in the concentration camps and after losing his family, Viktor Frankl became convinced of what his purpose was: to help others find meaning and significance in their lives and to deal with emotional pain. And he did this because his whole approach revolved around the search for meaning.

The importance of not judging

“No man should judge if he does not honestly ask himself whether in a similar situation he could not have done the same.”

This is one of Viktor Frankl’s quotes that we should always keep in mind. We all have a tendency to judge others almost every day. As soon as someone acts in a way that we consider inappropriate, we tend to criticize the person in question without even trying to understand him.

But we often forget that all people have their own history, their own circumstances and experiences. And yet there are many who think they are sitting inside with all the truth and think they know how to act in every single situation.

The question is: Are you sure how you would act if you were sitting in the same seat as the other person? And what’s more, what makes you think you know what’s right or wrong? Are you better than others? These are the questions Viktor Frankl asks us all.

The strength of our attitude

“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.”

“Everything can be deprived of a human being except one thing: the last of human freedoms – to choose his attitude regardless of the given circumstances; to choose their own path. ”

These quotes are among the most famous of Viktor Frankl’s wise words. Many writers and experts use them in their speeches, books, and lectures to make people aware of the importance of our attitude when faced with difficulties and in all circumstances affecting our lives.

We often try to change situations and people, we try to do everything to make life perfect, to make everything the way we want it to be. But of course this is impossible. We have no control over most things in life, even though we often behave as if we had it. What you can choose, however, is your attitude to life and this no one can take away from you.

You have the ability to change yourself and to choose where you want to go, how you want to react and what you want to decide.

We can not always choose our circumstances, but we can choose our attitude

Viktor Frankl’s wise words about love as truth

“I understood the truth that filled so many poets’ songs and was proclaimed as the ultimate wisdom of so many thinkers. The truth that love is the foremost and highest goal man can strive for. ”

“Love is the only opportunity to understand the innermost core of another person’s personality. No one can become fully aware of another person’s true being without loving her. With your love you get the opportunity to see the other person’s basic qualities and characteristics. ”

Of all Viktor Frankl’s quotes, these are the ones that offer the greatest depth and wisdom. Love as truth, as goal, as tool to give support to all. In fact, Frankl argued that in order to achieve self-transcendence, one must give oneself to someone else or something else and forget oneself.

As we see, this quote is that leaves no one indifferent; they are true life lessons. These are words you can use if you really want to get to know yourself, move on in life and never forget what is really most important.

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