4 Mistakes That Create A Child Tyrant In The Home

4 mistakes that create a child tyrant in the home

Although it may be difficult for us to believe it, it has become increasingly common to encounter child tyrants. There are more and more parents who are desperate about their children’s behavior, and who need professional help. By child tyrant we mean a child who controls his parents and whose mood is exhausting for everyone around.

A child tyrant believes that he or she has the right to handle his or her family according to his or her own will and shows intense anger if expectations are not met. The child cannot cope with daily frustrations and cannot put himself in his parents’ shoes. That’s why they behave so badly towards them, and hurt them just because they have to give in to the demands.

The parents feel compelled to give in to demands to avoid an explosion of anger that will arise if the child feels that what he or she wants will not be fulfilled immediately. In extreme cases, the child will physically attack his parents.

According to some studies, it seems that genetics can have an impact and make some children more prone to be aggressive than others. It has also been shown that child tyrants are common in the middle class and the upper classes and that it is more common among boys than girls, but this gender difference is becoming smaller.

It seems that upbringing is a key factor when it comes to this development. It has been shown that overprotective parents have a greater tendency to have children with the characteristics described above.

The upbringing mistakes that create a child tyrant

If parenting has a strong influence on how a child behaves, it is necessary for parents to learn the best way to raise their children. They must try to avoid certain patterns, which tend to be followed with good intentions, but which can be counterproductive in the long run.

To do everything the children want

If the children get everything they want, they will slowly begin to believe that they have the right to get everything they ask for immediately, no matter what it is about.


If they then grow up with this idea and there comes a day when they do not get what they want, they will show great anger because their wish has not been satisfied. They will then with their anger control their parents who will feel scared.

Not to let the kids get frustrated

Frustration is normal and it is a healthy feeling; it’s a part of life. Not everything we want is what we get. Sometimes life turns its back on us and we must learn to tolerate this.

Not knowing how to tolerate frustration can lead to many emotional problems in both children and adults, and whether we like it or not, life is not made for us and we will encounter obstacles several times.

If we do not teach a child to accept frustration or if we do all the work for him or her when a problem arises, we will create a child tyrant who cannot internalize the idea that the world is not just about him or her.

Solving problems for our children

It is important that children begin to solve their problems themselves with easy help from a very early age. When we talk about problems, we are referring to things that are appropriate for their age.

For example, if the children ask us to tie the shoes for them when they can already do this themselves, we should not give in to the temptation to help. It may be uncomfortable for them to put on their shoes and it may be easier to turn to mom and dad, but this is not the right way.

Children need to learn that life is not always comfortable and easy and that we need to learn to do things ourselves.


If they do not learn this, they will not have the necessary resources to solve problems they encounter.

Teaching them that problems can be solved with aggression

We can not expect the children not to react aggressively if we ourselves get angry as soon as something goes against us.

We need to be aware that children imitate everything that adults do, especially what their parents do, so we need to think about how we behave.

Even if we can sometimes feel tired or that we are about to explode and that we can no longer cope, aggression will not help. Therefore, behaving calmly when faced with adversity is something that is good for both you and your children.

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