Passion Gives Your Dreams Wings

Passion gives wings to your dreams

Monotony and routine can remove the spice from life and completely take over, leaving us without the spark that gives joy with each passing day. On the other hand, when we do things with passion, our lives will light up with excitement and meaning, because passion gives your dreams wings.

When you do things with passion, time goes by much faster. It is a feeling that is very intense and deep. It invades your whole body and paralyzes your thoughts. It makes the activity you engage in fulfilling and almost effortless.

It is like being invaded, first by surprise, then by happiness and finally indescribable satisfaction.

Imagine, for example, a child who likes to play football so much that he forgets everything else. Or a woman stepping out on the dance floor… and you immediately see the change in her face.

Motivation is a psychological component that guides, maintains and performs our behaviors. Passion gives your dreams wings, but first we must see what motivates and drives us. Motivation will be a key factor in connecting with passion.

Passion and motivation

Passion is a special ingredient that awakens our perseverance and motivation. It is like fuel for our goals and dreams. It encourages us not to throw in the towel when difficulties arise. Without passion and desire we have no energy; we will not be able to get ourselves to do anything.

Traditionally, we talk about two types of motivation: external and internal.

  • External motivation is when we do something not for our immediate satisfaction, but for results that benefit us. In this case, there is rarely passion. Think, for example, of your job and how you do things you do not like to get paid.
  • Intrinsic motivation, on the other hand, is when we do something simply because it is satisfying. We do not expect anything in return other than satisfaction. Having a choice also often opens the door to inner motivation. In other words, this freedom to act nourishes our enthusiasm. That is when we get up to speed and begin to feel ownership of our own search for happiness.

Passion gives wings to your dreams, but it is not always easy to connect with it. We grow up and accumulate beliefs that limit and disconnect us from the most natural and spontaneous parts of ourselves.

Sometimes we forget our dreams and our longings, and make ourselves at home in a rigid life. We allow ourselves to be swept away by everyday obligations.

Something that can help us regain our enthusiasm is to let go of our inner child. We all have one. Do you remember what it was like to be a child? What things made you excited? Maybe you liked playing on the beach and building sand castles, or maybe putting together puzzles and inventing stories?

We must listen to the child we once were, the child who still exists within us all. That child understands magical moments. ”

-Paulo Coelho-

Girl with wings

Add curiosity and dedication to what you do. Pretend it’s your first time doing this thing. Only then can you fight apathy that results in a schedule full of things to do. The inner child within you will enjoy exploring new hobbies and projects. If you allow it, it will take you on journeys to new worlds.

Passion can be nurtured and learned if we succeed in diverting our attention from our duties. So if you have not yet found something that you have a passion for, just follow your curiosity until you find things that make you feel what we describe above.

During this rediscovery, you will need to dive into your inner self and explore your deepest needs. Passion gives wings to your dreams and makes your longing lift. No matter how long it takes, you still have time to find it.

Start prioritizing your dreams. After all, they are the rudder of your life; they guide you where you want to go and make sense of your days.

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