Shyness Is Not The Same As Boredom

Shyness is not the same as boredom

Most of us have probably been shy at some point in our lives. But shyness is not a disease or even a particularly big problem in most cases.

Shyness is instead more like a protective shield. We hide within ourselves to prevent being hurt. Sometimes, however, it has the opposite effect.

Being shy is not the same as being boring. It’s just another way of being.

The development of shyness

Reflecting on the development of shyness during one’s life is a very interesting way to promote self-awareness. Many of us have gone from opening up to others during childhood to becoming more shy in adulthood, and vice versa.

This change has sometimes been influenced by appearances and exposure to the public that have caused us a great deal of anxiety or made us uncomfortable.

Therefore, shyness is probably not a genetic factor, but a part of one’s personality influenced by biological temperament, but to a much greater extent shaped by social interactions. This is something we should remember, and also the development of shyness, if we want to understand our shyness.

Girl with heart

Exposure to the public involves exposing our abilities and skills to the judgment of others . During childhood and adolescence , we are also very afraid of being evaluated, assessed and criticized.

On top of this , your social self may begin to feel extremely insecure if the people you are exposed to are not compassionate or respectful, which will make you feel similarly in future situations.

So to protect ourselves from this vulnerability, we hide within ourselves, afraid of what others will think, but without realizing that we will never 100% know what they think.

Is shyness a problem?

Being shy is a trait that is generally problematic. But when does it start to become a problem?

  • When it causes psychological stress.
  • When it prevents us from achieving professional goals because we are afraid to work in teams.
  • When it prevents us from asking for the help we need.
  • When we are really interested in getting to know someone but can not because we are too shy.

Shyness can make us seem unfriendly, boring or insecure; but also mysterious, careful and pleasant.

If you understand that your shyness is not a flaw in your character, you will feel much less psychological pressure and that things will feel more natural. It is important to know that you can still establish friendships with other people even if you are introverted.

A small smile, a quick or direct sentence and a good environment can be the perfect environment to ask for tips or start a conversation.

Things to help you overcome your shyness

  • Better knowledge of yourself. To know which situations cause you the most anxiety and to reflect on what they have in common.
  • Learn to manage your anxiety and stress through breathing and relaxation techniques.
  • Exercise, exercise, exercise. This will be the best cure.
  • Expose yourself to situations where you have to interact with other people. If something goes wrong, do not take it too seriously. You learn a skill, it’s that simple.
  • Practice in front of a friendly audience before speaking in front of a group. This will familiarize you with simple things such as inflections, gestures, pronunciation, volume and tone.

Shyness that makes you uncomfortable can be alleviated, but do not forget that being shy can also be a charming trait. It does not make you boring, sad or antisocial. It’s just a different social and communicative style.

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