I Like People Who Leave Imprints, Not Scars

I like people who leave imprints, not scars

I like people who leave imprints that do not hurt. People who have deserved a place in our hearts. Who has taught us the value of friendship, to enjoy sincerity and trust. Thanks to all these special individuals, we have been enriched, and we have been able to experience true happiness. But we have not been fair to any of them.

We are full of the imprints of these people, but we have forgotten them too quickly. Not because we did not appreciate everything we went through with them or because we did not value the support they gave us, but because we have given more weight to all the people who have hurt us in some way.

We know how to differentiate between the people who make us feel good and those who do not. Nevertheless, the decisions to let go, distance themselves or simply disappear are difficult. We let them play with our emotions and continue to treat us badly. Guilt and fear make us doubt, even when we are fully aware of the path we must take.

Maybe this is because it is in these moments of sadness, depression or true fear that we begin to value and appreciate what we have. Think of the times when you have been very ill with the flu, without the opportunity to get out of bed. Is it not true that you then value those moments when you have been healthy? When you are healthy again, however, this feeling disappears.

Woman's reflection

When it comes to conditions, we see exactly the same thing. People who leave a scar remain in our memory longer. We make them responsible for our discomfort. We focus everything on what they created, on what they did that made us feel. Our survival instinct retains the echo in the form of a memory, if fate were to lead us to similar circumstances again.

But it is the people who leave imprints, not scars, who should get our full attention.  To be aware of how much they have contributed to our lives without taking anything from us. It is not necessary to suffer or have a wound for someone to be able to leave an imprint with us. The best impressions are subtle, only tangible to those who know how to appreciate them.

It will be worth focusing on all those who have left something good with you.

Ask yourself “what kind of imprint do I want to leave?”. Just as there are people who leave imprints without hurting, we can do the same. When we do not value others, we can leave a wound that can turn into an ugly scar.

Friends with wreaths

Although it is difficult to let go of memories that are flooded with pain, the truth is that there are shortcuts to achieve it. Just close your eyes, listen to your body and let yourself go towards what you want, towards what makes you feel good. Suddenly, the people who left a scar on you will disappear. These memories will be replaced by those that bring only good things.

The norm for you should be not to be a target for any nasty individuals, nor just have bad luck. You have probably met people who did not know how to treat you in the best way. However, this should not make you grieve. These people should not be the protagonists of your journey along the boulevard of memories. Those who deserve all your attention are those who have been there when others fled. Those who listened to you attentively when others were just pretending. The people who do not leave you with a scar, but who leave an imprint of love.

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