When Love Is Blinded By Deception

When love is blinded by deception

When talking about emotions, the best thing you can do is not try too hard to explain them. We already know that we can not control them completely. The only thing we can really do is feel them, try to understand them and give them a form so that those who may be hurting do not. It is not always best to try to explain the things that are simply bubbling up inside us. Instead, we can do our best to try to understand them.

We all know the feeling of all or nothing: of wanting something or completely dismissing it. The feeling where there is no middle ground. So when we relate this feeling to love, we say that all types of love require complete devotion between two people. But what we sometimes forget is that devotion can also be for ourselves. Never forget yourself while you love something else.

Blind love

When you forget yourself, you may be in love, but in a toxic way. This often makes you fall in love but at the same time blinded. This blindfold blindness prevents you from seeing reality. What you see as reality is really your imagination. To be in a relationship where this happens is not to be in a real relationship.

If you find yourself in a situation similar to the one we described, either in a love affair or with a family member or friend, it can be difficult to change. It is easy to stay in the relationship because reality, and having to confront it, can seem too difficult. It may also be that you subconsciously prefer to live deceived, in a kind of parallel reality where you do not feel hurt.

But these types of conditions are never healthy. Remember that you are not a coward because you are afraid, but you must be brave and give your demons a name. Nothing justifies a love where there is no happiness. You need to convince yourself not to give in to guilt or succumb to manipulation, bullying or attacks on your self-esteem.

It is equally important to know that it is not fair for another person to take over your space and your independence. Doing so only creates mistrust, deception and so many unnecessary attitudes, that no one deserves to go through.

Your emotions will let you know who you are at all given times, but they must be in line with who you really are. Undoubtedly, you do not want to be a sad person who never has fun. You also do not want to be a person who only seems happy on the outside, but who is really sad on the inside. You want to be a true and honest person who is himself.

Kiss behind the bouquet

Therefore, your relationship should allow you to be who you really are. Help you accept yourself as who you are. In love relationships, reciprocity is important: that each person loves the other completely and with mutual passion. It is always important to remember the other person’s boundaries and not attack their space and happiness.

To truly love, you must be loyal to yourself and love yourself from a place of acceptance.

There are certain types of love that are deceptive – a mirage. They do not directly represent any real, true love. They do not let us be ourselves. Instead of helping us grow, they limit us. Here are some descriptions of what these types of conditions may look like:

  • Love that wants to fill personal emptiness: no one has the obligation to “fulfill you” or vice versa. In other words, you have to fill your own life. You must learn to be happy independently, without being dependent on anyone else. This is vital when you are part of a real relationship. You can not look for love, it just arrives. When you work hard to search for love, it is because it must fill an existential void, which you actually have to fill yourself.
  • Shared relationships: love, no matter what type, is always an issue in which every person involved must participate. When a party fails, the relationship will also fail. Love is not something that comes in small doses or only on certain occasions. Always keep this feeling true.
Giant flowers
  • Co-dependence: it is clear that space and independence are absolutely necessary in all types of conditions. Co-dependence only produces toxic conditions that usually have no positive sides. Do not love anyone in the belief that without him you would not be anything or anyone. If the person disappears from your life, you must still be there for yourself.
  • Idealized love: love based on idealization is not real love either. It is necessary to love the virtues a person may have, but also his shortcomings. It is important to learn to be happy in a relationship without putting in too much effort.
  • Comparative Relationships: A relationship that is constantly compared to other conditions to be justified is a relationship based on deception, mistakes, and past lives.
  • Passive aggressive communication: love that lacks communication or that only uses aggressive communication cannot be considered true love. Love is about sharing, about understanding, about wanting to understand, listen and support, even when there are differences of opinion.

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