We Are Not Defined By Achievements, Rather Challenges

We are not defined by achievements, rather challenges

Sometimes we get stuck in the belief that life is about achieving results. We set long- and short-term goals almost every day, and they are excellent to have. For how good is it not to wake up in the morning with a feeling of motivation and zeal? There’s nothing better!

We love to reach our goals. It shows us what we are capable of doing: getting that job, getting that promotion, buying that house or car, winning the man or woman of our dreams. We plan and build our lives based on these big and small goals. But does all this really define who we are?

Many of us tend to think that it does, but there is something more valuable than accomplishments. Can you guess what it is? It is the ability to meet challenges. In the end, getting past what we see as painful is what makes us so much stronger.

How can we improve our ability to meet challenges?

Achieve versus overcome

First, we must differentiate between the ability to achieve something and personal growth.

  • The ability to achieve is the effort and what an individual is capable of investing to achieve a goal.
  • It is most often found in the type of people who have a clear understanding of what they want and need; a person who fights for these things and who maintains high expectations to achieve goals.
  • It requires consistency and perseverance.
  • It is found in people who have a list of goals to achieve every day; who demand a lot of themselves.
  • Those who have a high capacity to achieve goals generally tend to be successful in their working lives.

Without a doubt, these are some very positive qualities that raise our self-confidence. But are who we really are based entirely on our ability to achieve goals?

It is sometimes said that a person’s real strength and greatest courage comes from his ability to overcome difficulties. This personality trait is something much more satisfying than achieving a goal.


The cornerstones of personal growth

You are not defined by what you achieve, but by what you overcome. So now we ask: what have you overcome in your lifetime? You have certainly faced a number of difficulties with strength. These things now define who you are and what you see in yourself when you look at yourself in the mirror.

What lies behind this ability to overcome daily challenges?

A positive attitude

Having a positive attitude is vital to overcoming all challenges. Maintaining strength and hope gives us the energy to be brave. It helps us to believe in ourselves.

2. To confront challenges directly

The emptiness, threats, problems or losses that we sometimes struggle with are enemies that we have to deal with, but never back away from. Gather your strength, trust yourself and confront them immediately. Never run away or back away from your problems.


Resistance is fundamental. It does not matter how traumatic, complicated or hurtful an experience has been… we can learn from all difficult situations and become stronger as a result. There is nothing more rewarding than overcoming a threatening or stressful situation with resilience.

4. Self-esteem

How can we define self-confidence in a simple and practical way? Self-confidence is the balance where you can find confidence, self-respect, to love life and be happy with what you have and deserve.

5. To have contact with their emotions

Positive emotions help us to thrive and “plant” us in our reality through empathy, love, balance, well-being and emotional intelligence.

All of these factors are seeds that enhance our ability to overcome challenges, and this is one of the most rewarding things about being human. Make use of them!

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