How To Overcome The Fear Of Loneliness

How to overcome the fear of loneliness

The famous writer and philosopher Elsa Punset believes that “loneliness can be considered the epidemic of the 21st century”. Has the fear of loneliness really become a serious condition?

The question now is whether there is a solution? Is the fear of being alone a serious problem? We should not forget that loneliness according to some clinical studies affects human health.

Loneliness, or more specifically the feeling of being abandoned, causes weaknesses in the immune system. It also leads to an increase in our blood pressure. This in turn will increase our stress hormone levels. The physical consequences of loneliness can include obesity, drug addiction and difficulty sleeping.

Can you really stop being afraid of being alone? Does loneliness have a cure? Is it better to be in a bad relationship than to have no one at all. Is it normal to feel abandoned even when you are in a relationship?

Loneliness in the modern world

According to the philosopher Elsa Punset, there are now a number of factors in the world that make people feel isolated from their surroundings, even when they are surrounded by other people.


The average number of close friends per person has decreased in recent years. It has been reduced from 3 to 1 to none, despite the advent of social networks and the huge number of “friends” or contacts we have on Facebook and Twitter.

A close friend is someone you can tell your secrets to and acknowledge your fears for. If one is missing, especially in people over 30, then this is something difficult.

Can you overcome the fear of loneliness?

Can one really overcome this fear? Of course you can, but it is not an easy process and it takes a lot of effort. Sometimes you may need the help of a specialist, especially if you feel chronically lonely.

Here are some tips to overcome the fear of loneliness:

  • See yourself as the most important person in your life. You come first. Therefore, you need to trust your potential. Have confidence in your decisions. This strategy will help you to fight against the bad moments that occur in your life.
  • Be reasonable. The fear of loneliness can turn into something irrational. Identify what is behind this fear. Look for a logical explanation that your mind can accept and understand. You will surely realize that this is something that you can come across.
  • Forget the past. Another good strategy is forgiveness. Staying with feelings of hatred, anger, etc. will only give you pain. You need to move forward with optimism and good health.
  • Many people identify happiness with being in a relationship. This is a mistake. Having a partner or being close to other people is not synonymous with happiness. There are people who are lone wolves even though they are surrounded by many people. You have to understand that loneliness is something positive. It’s even worse to be in a bad relationship.
  • Know that you are special. We are all amazing because the mind is an amazing thing. Appreciate yourself and understand how valuable you are, without needing someone else’s company. This is an invaluable step when it comes to getting rid of this fear.

The fear of loneliness is truly irrational. Good self-esteem, personal development, self-confidence, etc. are key factors in overcoming all types of problems. It is therefore in our hands as individuals to overcome this modern epidemic.

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