8 Principles Of Pragmatic Optimism

8 principles of pragmatic optimism

Today we will talk about the importance of pragmatic optimism.

In order to go through everything that man has gone through and reach where he has reached, great optimism has been needed. But not everyone has the same combination of dreams and courage.

Mark Stevenson came up with the idea to identify common traits that optimistic people have. He established 8 principles of pragmatic optimism.

Scientific and technological change is transforming the society we live in. That is why Stevenson believes that we must learn to live in a different way than we have done before.

He says we must make an effort to have pragmatic and optimistic thoughts. He asks himself the question how can it be the case to show people doing good deeds in a world that is constantly changing?

And what do they have in common that makes them more inclined to fight for the future and to change the world?

To dream and imagine

Optimism is the tendency to hope that the future will bring something good. It takes a willpower to find solutions and opportunities and to always focus on the positive.

Stevenson looks down on the conformity that exists today. He urges us to fantasize, dream and realize the future we deserve.

The only way to practice pragmatic optimism is to let what we long for guide us.

Woman lying in the grass.

The pragmatic optimism: Create to benefit everyone

Stevenson realized that people who make great strides and contribute to real success in the world are committed to following and improving something greater than themselves.

There is no place for selfishness among such thoughts and such a philosophy.

In the end, it is a perception that is far removed from individualism and narcissism: we should create to benefit everyone, not just certain people or ourselves.

Do what works

Perceptions are subjective. Facts are scientifically objective. Stevenson believes that pragmatic optimism must concentrate on facts. This will mean a scientific and evidence-based way of thinking.

He therefore recommends that we focus on what we already know.

For example, he compares an engineer to a politician. The former constructs buildings based on an objective reality, but the latter is guided by his ideology.

This makes him unable to see things as they are. Stevenson therefore urges us to think like engineers instead.

The pragmatic optimism: sharing shares our power

If you share ideas, you will strengthen and make them grow. But if we protect our ideas, the world must not partake of them and the power they have.

A great idea that you do not share will be useless. And in the end, it dies.

Everyone is connected and everything changes. Stevenson believes that the more connected we are, the more ideas will circulate. But as the power spreads on the internet, we must also take responsibility.

We should not do things without taking responsibility.

To make mistakes is to make progress

If we make a mistake, it’s not a problem. We should continue to rise. Over and over again. But if we do not try at all, we will fall victim to our fear of failure.

Stevenson urges us to make mistakes, because he believes that is the way to go forward and find the right answer in the end.

In fact, he believes it is the best strategy for success. No one has discovered anything without first making a mistake.

People who believe that wrong is the end of the world will stagnate. If they do this, they will act irresponsibly, and they will end up on the wrong path in the end.

To do instead of trying

Intentions motivate action, but we do not consist of attempts, but of actions. For this reason, it is best to really act. To take what we believe in and put it into practice.

We are what we do and feel, not what we intend to do.

Get rid of laziness

Stevenson believes that the world is governed by a cynical culture. It lacks ambition and hope that things can get better. However, pragmatic optimism means that we should get rid of laziness, excuses and apathy.

It is only by getting rid of this mental barrier that we will be able to live out our dreams.

Woman jumping by the water.

The pragmatic optimism: Be patient

Life is a long race where each of us takes a step towards our goals. Some days we succeed more, others less. But our reward will sooner or later come.

Hope, effort and patience make the results worthwhile.

These 8 principles can be your guide to pragmatic optimism. They will help us live more productively and positively.

If we begin to apply this in our daily lives, we will have the confidence to transform everything we do. It is possible to achieve change.

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