5 Habits We Have To Leave Behind To Be Ourselves

5 habits we must leave behind to be ourselves

Every year, at the beginning of the year, we set goals. We go through the personal habits that we would like to change. And we set goals that may have to do with work, family, our education, our health, etc.

We swear that we will abandon negative habits, those that we have identified as obstacles, that distance us from a goal, a dream or an optimal state.

If we have been doing this for decades, these goals may come with some pessimism. We note that we have done the same things in previous years and have not achieved these goals.

However, we should not confuse this pessimism with the idea that we have no control over our lives. We may have a feeling that our boat is drifting where it wants to go, but that does not mean that we can not influence it. Nor does it mean that the past can predict the future; the fact that we have tried and not achieved what we want one, two, three, four times etc. does not mean that we can not do this next time.

To get a little closer to our dreams, today we will share five habits that we must leave behind to become the best version of ourselves.

Stop torturing yourself for what you failed to achieve

Time heals all wounds, but it can also prevent you from experiencing what you long for, your dreams and your goals. Life is wonderful because it teaches us to always adapt. Unexpected surprises can make us better people and overcome adversity.


We must accept that we cannot take on everything and that we are partly dependent on the universe. We are not superheroes; there are many circumstances that affect us, and we can not control everything.

Love, unexpected situations and surprises happen for a reason. If you can not figure out your plan, then you have to admit that you have the gift of not being perfect. Believe me, it is one of the best qualities we can have and this allows us to appreciate the beauty of life.

Stop expecting others to appreciate you

We are undoubtedly social beings, which implies that we share and learn from our surroundings from the people we love. Their trust guides us on the path we have taken, but it is also true that it becomes more difficult to be ourselves if we are constantly dependent on it.

Leaning on the opinions of others for our own decisions prevents us from moving forward and giving the best of ourselves to life. We develop our inner voice by trusting ourselves.

Trust yourself and listen to all that your heart has to say, the heart that knows who you are and what your values ​​are. Remember that it is normal if you have made a mistake. This makes us human, unique and irreplaceable. Within this lies the greatness of our soul, that we learn from our mistakes.

Remove the false mask that protects you

Value yourself, stop and look at yourself, take another side of your own prism as a reference. Our greatness lies, as previously mentioned, in the fact that we are unique and irreplaceable, deficient and show the same song.

Create a strength that comes from you, not one that protects you as one of your fundamental habits. You do not need anything to defend yourself, because even your weakest points can grow. Start being yourself.

Let go of all the negative things that have happened

Discover and strengthen your qualities, think about what your shortcomings are, but do not forget that these make you who you are. There are many people who have shown up in your life, and given it value. Realize how lucky you are to be able to enjoy the company of those you trust.


Understand that everything, just everything, even the most negative, has a good side: the lessons. All the difficult times that can bring uncomfortable feelings: accept them. You have been lucky enough to learn from them, and to be alive to enjoy them.

Do not hold on to the thoughts that make you doubt yourself

As the amazing people we are, we have a duty to fulfill our destiny, to become the master of our own destiny. This task comes from the inner wisdom that everything depends on ourselves and that we can choose which actions to use to carry out our life plan.

Doubting your courage only leads you to become pessimistic and defeated, even before you start shopping. You have everything you need within you, and you have been lucky enough to have the amazing qualities that you have.

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