What Personality Type Are You According To Enneagram?

What personality type are you according to the enneagram?

A few months ago, I discovered the word ” enneagram ” in my job as a life coach. I became incredibly interested and started doing research on what it was and how it works.

The word comes from the Greek and means nine lines. It is used to describe the nine different personality types we all fall under.

It can be said that enneagram is a system that helps us understand an objective reality through subjective means. It can therefore help us to establish and better understand:

  • What makes us who we are and why we act or think the way we do.
  • Our main characteristics: our shortcomings and strengths.
  • Our longing and our fears.
  • And the most fascinating thing: it helps us discover why we always struggle with the same things.

I have compiled a list of the nine types on which the enneagram is based, so you can see which one suits you best. Hopefully, it can give you some clues that can help you along the way in your personal development.

What 9 personality types are included in an enneagram?

Enneagram type 1

This type refers to people who want to be perfect because they hate to feel imperfect. Because of this, they have a complex where they unconsciously create a perfect picture of how they want to be. They have very self-demanding and self-critical personalities.

Obviously, they will get annoyed and frustrated quickly because they are always looking for perfection. Since their desired perfection is not possible to achieve, they also tend to get angry easily.

Their arrogant behavior often leads them to believe that they are always right and that their truth is the only one. In order to unlock themselves and learn, they must first turn their anger into peace of mind and accept themselves as they are.

Enneatyp 2

When we do not love ourselves, we seek and demand sincere love. This need manifests itself in the second type of ennea, which includes people who believe that it is selfish to love themselves. Instead, they prioritize the needs of others over their own and feel happier when they give love to people around them.

The bad bit? By worrying about others, they forget themselves and their own hearts, which results in them tending to be addicted people who hate loneliness. They tend to be proud and think they know best what others need. Therefore, they constantly give advice to other people and constantly remind them how much they do for them.

To develop internally , they must transform their pride into humility and take care of their own emotional needs first.

Enneatyp 3

They do not value themselves, and because of this they constantly need the encouragement of others. If they do not stand out from the crowd in any way, they do not feel confirmed or loved. They believe that their role as human beings should consist of professional triumphs, personal reputation, success and recognition.

What does all this do for them? It makes them hide behind a mask and forget who they really are. They are confident, ambitious and competitive people. Their personal development requires them to turn their pride into authenticity. They must learn to value themselves for what they are rather than for what they have or what others think of them.

Enneatyp 4

This type of person needs constant attention from people around them and constantly wants to feel like they are being “discovered”. They feel very inferior to others, which leads to them having to feel unique, special and different. When they compare themselves with others, they always think that “something” is missing for them to be happy, and they are filled with envy, sadness and melancholy.

They are egocentric and therefore talk far too much about their own feelings without taking into account the feelings of others. An important characteristic of ennea type 4 is that they tend to feel misunderstood and go through many peaks and valleys. To develop themselves , they must learn to care more about others instead of just focusing on themselves.


Enneagram type 5

The fifth group in our enneagram consists of people who are afraid to express their feelings and relate emotionally to others. Physical contact makes them uncomfortable, so they are often cold, reserved and distant. They feel secure in their own rational, theoretical and intellectual world, even though they cannot use this knowledge to take action.

To grow as human beings, they must become aware of and have a better connection to their hearts. They need to find a balance between what they believe and what they feel.

Enneatyp 6

This type is characterized by people who do not have self-confidence and are afraid to make decisions. They are constantly on their guard and are afraid of future situations and commitments. They worry too much and often ask other people what they should do in life.

In order to develop themselves , these people must transform their cowardice into courage. They must learn to have confidence in themselves and take responsibility for the decisions they make.

Enneatyp 7

Do you know someone who is afraid of the pain he carries within him? Then you feel a type 7 in our enneagram: These are fun, happy, positive people who use mood as a shield to avoid pain.

A major trait of these people is a tendency to be hyperactive, constantly in search of pleasure and always engaged in some activity so as not to get bored or dissatisfied with themselves. It costs them a lot in terms of reduced ability to live in the present and maintain focus.

To overcome this and develop themselves , they must value silence and the art of doing nothing. They must create a bond to the happiness and well-being that is within instead of trying to escape.

Enneagram type 8

Are you afraid of getting hurt? We are all, but a person with ennea type 8 is too scared. These people construct a wall and live life defensively so that they always have the option to gain control by acting aggressively when they feel threatened.

They must always be in control of all situations and cannot afford to be told what to do. Their life motto is probably “the best defensive is a good offensive.”

To grow , they must let go and accept their own vulnerability. They need to understand that no one can hurt them emotionally unless they first open up and give them permission.

Enneatyp 9

The last type in our enneagram avoids conflict at all costs because they do not know how to deal with anger towards others. They generally pass unnoticed to avoid conflict, and it takes a lot for them to say “no” because they are afraid of upsetting someone.

They tend to be good listeners in the belief that their opinion does not matter, and allow themselves to be carried by others. This leads to a lack of motivation to engage in activities or to create better situations for themselves. They must exchange their passivity for proactivity, assert themselves and contribute value to the world.

Which type in this enneagram do you most identify with? Knowing what type you are can help you overcome major barriers and obstacles in your daily life, and thereby become a better person.

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