Pomodoro Technology: A Fantastic Method For Time Planning

Pomodoro technology: a fantastic method of time planning

There may be many methods and techniques that claim to optimize time and increase productivity, but few are as easy to use as pomodoro technology. This technology was created by an Italian named Francesco Cirillo in the 80’s, and many people have benefited from it.

We have all started a project with great enthusiasm, to then feel that it is doomed to fail before we even complete it. In most cases, this is due to lack of scheduling. In other words, we fail to organize the tasks we need to complete and calculate the amount of time we need to perform them.

Pomodoro technology is there to optimize your time planning, which is why the main tool is a watch. The work is divided into periods called “pomodoros”. A pomodoro consists of 25 minutes of uninterrupted work and five minutes of rest.

Pomodorotechnology has a scientific basis. Advanced studies confirm that the human brain can only concentrate properly for 25 minutes. Then the brain “disconnects”, which is shown in the form of distraction and a significant reduction in performance.

Clock in hands

Therefore , a 5-minute break is an attempt to let the brain rest by switching to a different activity than the one you just performed. In this way, the performance will be optimal and consistent when you return to the original job. It is worth clarifying that after four pomodoros you should be increased to 20 minutes.

It is important to create a basic plan for the work you intend to perform. This plan should involve a list of tasks that you must complete. Then create a hierarchy where you rank the importance of each task or establish a logical order to perform them in. This should apply to both daily chores as well as long-term activities.

It is interesting to note that you can observe the number of pomodoros in each task when applying this method. This may not seem important, but it is. Over time, you may discover periods of downtime. For example, you will notice that a task that took you five pomodoros to complete should really only have taken four pomodoros.

Gears drive legs

This means that you can not only optimize your time when using this technology, but also get the skills to continue optimizing your scheduling even more. Pomodoro technology has motivated the creation of software and apps for various platforms and devices.

The method may be designed for individual improvement, but over time it has been demonstrated that it can be just as effective when applied in groups. The technology not only brings with it the satisfaction of achieving things, but also promotes the use of basic tools of the simplest form: paper, pen and a clock.

To use the pomodoro technique, you only need to follow these steps:

  • Write a list of your tasks and select the next task you want to complete.
  • Set an alarm for 25 minutes (1 pomodoro).
  • Work diligently and continuously on your task for 25 minutes.
  • When this time period is over , put an X next to the task in your list.
  • Take a break for five minutes.
  • Continue for another period of 25 minutes, put another X, take another five minute break and continue until the task is complete.
  • Each time you complete four pomodoros , take a 20-minute break.

During each pomodoro, it is fundamental to concentrate as much as possible on the task you are performing. It is important to shield yourself from all distractions.

Knowing how many pomodoros it will take to complete each task is very useful as it will make your scheduling more efficient and give you more time to complete other activities.

Over time, and especially when you perform similar tasks, your goal will be to perform them in less time or improve their quality, so that you can become more efficient and have more free time.

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