3 Ways To Motivate Yourself To Train

3 ways to motivate yourself to exercise

To begin with, we want to clarify a few things about training. You have every right in the world to have a little extra weight, be weak and lack energy. You have the right to accumulate fat around the abdomen and hips, to experience pain every time you move and to be out of breath after a two minute brisk walk.

You also have the right to suffer from cardiopulmonary and cardiovascular disease. You have the right to be sad, angry, depressed and stressed. You have the right to stay at home, look at yourself in the mirror and say “I have to be careful about what I do to myself” or “it would be good to get some training and feel stronger”, without doing anything to change .

You have the right to have joint problems, weak legs, chronic back pain, stiffness, weakness and lack of muscle tone. Until now, you have had the right to complain about wanting to change all this without knowing how to do it. But from now on, when you reach the next paragraph, you will lose the right to be condescending towards yourself. Below you will see how you can motivate yourself to train, without excuses.

For most people, the motivation to train will not come naturally. People are comfortable, what can we do about it? We are quite happy to have a drink with friends or sit at home, especially if the weather is bad. It is also difficult to break free from work and family obligations.

Handcuffs and bird

But saying “I do not have time”, “I do not feel it” or “I have other things to do” are not acceptable excuses, even if they may seem so. If you do not have time right now to take care of your health, you need to earmark time later to deal with illnesses, pain and difficulties caused by lack of exercise and a sedentary lifestyle.

It is obvious that exercise is necessary. It is also clear that it is difficult to get into a training routine, otherwise you would not read this. So stop thinking about it, do not make excuses, do not find reasons, do not justify your decision. Just do it.

It does not matter how tired you are, how cold it is or how ugly you are in your workout clothes. It does not matter if it sabs your hair. It does not matter how early or late it is. It does not matter if you are tired or in pain. Just start moving. And do it every day.

Plan it the day before so that when the time is right you need to think as little as possible, but just follow your established plan. There are many ways to train: indoors, outdoors and even at work. You can go to a gym, subscribe to an online exercise program, watch videos online or follow a book.

However you do it, you should make these decisions hours before it is time to exercise so that laziness does not take over your thoughts. Do not let yourself think that you are tired, because then you open up the possibility to postpone it until tomorrow.

Training couple

Most people will tell you to do the opposite; that is, to visualize what you will look like after a few months of training, to help you get closer to the goal. The problem is that this is not worth much to most people because they are lazy and get tired of thinking about effort and sacrifice.

So try the other way. Think about your current level of physical activity and what you will look like in 5, 10 or 20 years. Think of yourself at age 70 or 80 (if you live that long).

Disappointed, right? Weakness, obesity, disability, sadness, loneliness…

Instead of thinking long-term, one of the keys to motivating yourself to practice is to take it day by day. So just think about the next workout, but not about how hard it will be to leave home or get off the couch. Think about how you will feel after you are done.

After workout

Exercise releases many hormones that make you feel good. The most well-known are endorphins, which produce a feeling of euphoria after you exercise. These hormones are also a natural pain reliever, thus reducing pain, anxiety and stress.

Exercising, especially in the fresh air, also releases serotonin – a chemical that influences the mood.  Serotonin can help you calm down, especially when you feel anxious or depressed, and can help you fall asleep. It also helps you control your food intake, especially when it comes to junk food.

Finally, exercise also releases dopamine – the hormone associated with addiction. Dopamine makes us experience a feeling of well-being after exercise, which creates a connection between physical activity and pleasure. This means that we do not have to look for other less healthy sources of enjoyment when we exercise, so be sure to motivate yourself and get started.

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