What Is Interactive Learning About?

Interactive learning is slowly becoming more popular. With both traditional and new, innovative tools, it is an example, among many, of what new influences and resources can contribute to the education system.
What is interactive learning about?

Many psychologists, biologists and mathematicians focus their work on the learning process and have contributed many attempts to improve the general understanding of this process. In this article, we will take a closer look at interactive learning.

Let’s start by defining the terms learning and interaction. A definition of the first concept is to “acquire knowledge or skills in something, usually so that certain competence is obtained”. And secondly: “social interaction between people in contact; also somewhat expanded: interaction between computer user and computer ”. But what does interactive learning really mean?

A child with many questions

What does interactive learning consist of?

It is based on dynamic learning, usually associated with movement. Its main characteristic is that it consists of motivating activities that encourage a person to stay active and deepen their knowledge. This requires different actors and elements:

  • Teacher; acts as a leader who motivates learning
  • Students; stay active during learning
  • Place; can be a classroom, but the important thing is that it should promote learning

In interactive learning, one can include various tools to achieve specific goals. A common goal is continued learning. This is an effective method to avoid procrastination.

How to teach interactively

It is important to remember that constant dialogue is the basis for active learning. The idea is that the teacher should engage in learning in a holistic way. In other words, to go beyond the theoretical.

The teacher’s work in line with the environment and the goals is to:

  • Plan the learning process
  • Intervene to motivate learning and guide students
  • Monitor students’ work
  • Be open to dialogue
  • Create positive expectations regarding the subject they are teaching
  • Be innovative when it comes to the learning process
  • Be dynamic and work in line with the curriculum

Thus, the teacher acts as an assistant for learning. For this they must, in addition to the above-mentioned qualities, know themselves well, and know their abilities. Therefore, emotions, thoughts and behaviors are also included in this type of learning. What it’s really about is that this person must set a good example. The teacher teaches and the students appreciate, repeat and recreate what they learn.

The concept of interactive learning is also very comprehensive. Thus, its only goal is not just the development of intellectual knowledge. It also requires artistic, cultural, empathic and self-regulatory skills. The teacher is a guide and must be aware of and help improve these abilities.

Interactive learning for students

When it comes to interactive learning, the student has an active role and therefore they should participate in all activities, such as giving lectures. They also get feedback, but not only from the teacher but also from their classmates and also from themselves. Students can work in:

  • An inverted classroom. Here they can develop strategies virtually and also face to face. Students can also develop different skills that make it easier for them to learn more.
  • Activities that promote competence learning. This consists of learning step by step until you develop a certain skill.
  • Interaction with resources. Technical as well as other. Here the student uses various tools that facilitate learning. For example, they can participate in an exercise with brainstorming in a virtual and shared space, prepare a lecture and learn through games.
Three children in a computer lab

Concluding remarks on interactive learning

There are many educational institutions that have made interactive learning their leitmotif. So feel free to look for these if you want to take part in this model, which is a model that becomes stronger and more successful with each technological advancement. Interactive learning is not only a method used in primary school, but it is also beginning to become popular in higher education.

Studies have been done regarding virtual methods in learning. In an article published in the scientific journal Media and Education , Arenas Márquez, Domingo Carrillo, Molleda Jimena, Ríos Martín and Ruiz del Castillo (2009) argue that it is not enough to just transfer the classic material to a website, but one must also must adapt it to the new forum. Thus, it is not just about mixing about the game, but rather about a type of learning that is innovative but directed, supervised and that has a strong theoretical basis.

In short, interactive learning emphasizes a relationship that is built in different environments, where the teacher, the student and his / her classmates become involved in a dynamic and conscious way. It is an environment where each participant contributes something. It goes beyond classic learning models and integrates them into an innovative strategy.

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