Emotional Intelligence For Your Everyday Life

Emotional intelligence for your everyday life

What is emotional intelligence? How can you describe it in a way that everyone understands and how can you apply it in your everyday life?

Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand our own and others’ feelings in a balanced way in order to solve our everyday problems. Emotional intelligence is the ability to act emotionally.

We need more emotional intelligence

“I worry about everything. For work, stress… I worry about not having a partner, I feel lonely. If I do not go out with friends, I feel depressed and bored and if I go out, I do not feel at peace.

I always complain about everything that is not going well. I’m never really happy and I think it’s because I do not want to be; because I get rushed for the slightest problem, because I can not see the glass as half full and because I oversize small problems that others take with humor. How can I change my attitude? ”

Hair in the wind

Why should we have more emotional intelligence? What is the meaning of life if we are not happy ? This will certainly bring problems, but we have the power to turn this around and be happier.

And how do you do this? You develop an emotional intelligence. You learn to manage your emotions. You take responsibility for yourself and realize that you can steer your life towards the better.

8 ideas to improve your emotional intelligence

  • Try to improve yourself emotionally. You will not improve yourself if you do not really want to. No one can help you quit smoking, lose weight, etc. if you do not pull your straw to the stack yourself. The same goes for emotional intelligence. Whoever wants he can.
  • Try to find the positive with everything that happens during the day. Have you lost your love, a job or a friend? Do not think about this too much; keep in mind that these are sad moments but that life gives you new opportunities.
  • Do not torture yourself with negative emotions. Going into a spiral of negative emotions will not help you. What will negative emotions solve? Learn to think that now is enough. Turn on music, dance, exercise, talk to others and distract your mind.
  • When you feel bad, think of things that give you peace and a refuge. You probably feel something that can make you feel better and see things in a more positive way.
  • Have an open mind to others. Try to understand others and why they do as they do. Bring out the positive in other people. We all have defects.
Head with tree
  • Listen to your body; This will help you identify many of your emotions. If you felt a lump in your stomach, you may have heard bad news? Do you feel faint in the face of a new situation? Discover how your body identifies situations and learns to understand them. Learn to breathe.
  • Do not take too seriously. If you stop and think a little, you will understand that it is better if you take it a little calmer. If the boss is rude today, that’s his problem; do not let this affect you.
  • Try to resolve conflicts in a positive way. When you have a problem with someone, try to solve this in the best way possible. If you notice that the person has a negative attitude, you should keep a certain distance.

So if you want to be happy, you should try to see life in a different way. Train your emotional intelligence and discover its daily benefits, both for yourself and others. What are you waiting for?

Photos of Lunático Khoa Le.

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