Do Not Wait Until It’s Too Late To Say Goodbye

Do not wait until it is too late to say goodbye

Tomorrow it may be too late to ask for forgiveness, too late to try, too late to believe, too late to give a hug, too late to say “I love you” , too late for an “I miss you” that is coming be forever…

And this is awful; more than anything else because we do not give life the weight it deserves while our hearts are still fresh and naive. But tomorrow, maybe someone around you will send their last message or say their last words, without even knowing it. And so can you.

Now think about what your last message was, your last words or your last hug. You may want it to be something exciting, sincerely showing and expressing all the love that binds us to this world.

But the truth is that it is impossible to know when we will take our last breath, when our last laugh will come or when the last tears will fall from our eyes.

Woman with butterflies

Whatever the case, I hope you have your affairs in order so that the farewell does not take you to bed.

For the old adage “it’s never too late” almost always comes too soon. And when that happens, it hurts. But even if it always hurts , you will not regret anything given that you have enjoyed your time with the people you love.

Not being able to say goodbye scares us, makes us completely terrified. Since we know from the beginning of our lives that one day it will end, we stop being excited, we stop doing what we have a passion for and we stop hugging the people we love too easily.

But it happens, because everyone has to say goodbye in one way or another. And when this happens , it is even more painful to say goodbye if we have wasted our time. If we have held back words and forgotten all that is called kisses, good mornings and hugs.

Couple by the sea

If there is one thing that life does not prepare you for, it is death. We only know how to inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. Our bodies do not know how to drown. To do so would be to leave our hearts empty, and it is not compatible with life, and above all not with our right to say goodbye.

So do not forget to tell the people you love that you love them as if it were the first time, because it may be the last. Do not complain so much and enjoy a little more of life’s flaws, in its simplicity and pride.

Inhale all the oxygen you can. Sigh often, smile at children, forget your pride and live as if there was nothing better to do than what you do in every single moment.

Because if you think you will spend your last moments working, ironing your worst shirt or dealing with your neighbor’s loud music, you would surely want to do so while feeling great and making your loved ones feel unique and special.

Evolution of happiness

Surely no one would want his last gesture to be one of bitterness, that his last words are angry screams or that his last act is to slam a door.

But if so, you can at least inform the world that you were lovers in life, thanks to the individuals you hugged, cared for, and loved on a daily basis.

Are we terrified to die? Obvious. But we are even more afraid of dying without having enjoyed, loved or fought to become better people. And we must remind ourselves of this every single day, but especially during days that make us furious or cover our dreams with clouds.

We must always remind ourselves that life is simply amazing. That it is beautiful even though it has its valleys. That the presence of our loved ones deserves a smile or two, not anxiety or complaints.

That’s why you should not wait until it’s too late to be with the people you love; live life as if you were dying today and learn as if you were living forever. Remember that the only thing that matters is today, because tomorrow may not exist.

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