Physically Unattractive: Is It An Obstacle To Find A Partner?

Physically unattractive: is it an obstacle to find a partner?

The sad news is that: yes, being physically unattractive makes it a little harder to find a partner. The good news is that this small barrier, on the other hand, also prepares you. If you want good relationships and invest a little effort in it, you can create good relationships. But everything is up to you.

Love is often like a supermarket, with supply and demand. The most popular products are attractive and have a lot of recognition. Although we rarely talk about it in these terms, and although it feels sad to have to undress love its romantic and innocent attire, in practice a number of biological laws affect us as the living biological beings we are. These laws benefit some people more than others.

Those with certain attributes have it easier on the love market, there is no doubt about that. But having it easier is not always having it better. Very often, this obvious ease can be a disadvantage, and your weaknesses can become your strengths. For, as Ortega y Gasset said:

Physical attractiveness is an arbitrary trait. Its definition speaks more to the person who perceives it than to the person who is viewed. It does not depend on the person’s effort, but on different anatomical norms, especially related to a person’s face. On the other hand, each culture has its own definitions and influences that influence us in our assessment of what is beautiful and what is not. For that reason, it becomes the prevailing factor.

You think of love

Physical beauty does not really affect society. It does not matter if people are beautiful or not. In the end, their appearance contributes very little to the development of humanity as a whole. In fact, we have a large group of beautiful celebrities who contribute less to real beauty than the smaller group of geniuses, thinkers and heroes who contribute so incredibly much more to humanity and the world.

Some people are born beautiful, and others make themselves beautiful. Nowadays, a physically unattractive person can buy attractiveness for money. Physically redesigning a person’s appearance is an opportunity that is close at hand. It is achieved in operating rooms, in gyms and thanks to thousands of products and treatments.

On the other hand, no matter how irrelevant it may be to the development of society, many people tend to be very concerned about how attractive they are perceived by others. In fact, there are people who are even very anxious about it. Some people fall into deep depression because of it, and many make extreme efforts to resist their body’s desire to maintain their body slim.

Physical attractiveness is something that, as the name suggests, attracts and provides benefits. It is called attractive because it is like a magnet for the attention of others. In this regard, physical attraction can make it easier to start romantic relationships. In addition, being part of a beautiful couple is a sign of status and value, especially in certain cultures. And it arouses lighter erotic impulses. It is a real obstacle for those who are not so beautiful.

If a physically unattractive person wants to improve their chances of finding or choosing a partner, he can choose two paths. One is to fall victim to the logic of society, and the other is to walk around it. For those who allow themselves to be victims of the situation, it often ends up hiding in their shell. Which in addition to being unattractive makes them more likely to develop social habits that make them even less attractive.

The one who on the other hand accepts the challenge instead creates a different logic, where he with his attitude manages to let other people have access to and appreciate other types of qualities that make him attractive.

A pair of flowers

One thing is for sure: even if physical attractiveness opens the doors to relationships more easily, this attractiveness does not make it easier to stay in a relationship. It’s just an advantage in the beginning. It can even be a problem for someone who is attractive to have other qualities that live up to the attractiveness. And if they do not have it, it can result in them not living up to their partner’s expectations. In this regard, relationships sometimes end as easily as they began.

In fact, external beauty is often just an absolute value in the minds of some young people, for some who have serious complexes or for some who are very isolated.

The world sends us many messages that aim to make us believe that life only revolves around the beautiful, the rich and the powerful. We are being fed this message by people who profit financially from those who believe in them. People who have an almost infinite willingness to sacrifice everything to get the beauty offered by that cream or expensive exercise device.

Yes, being physically unattractive is an obstacle to finding a partner. But it is not an obstacle to love and be loved. Nor is it the only thing that attracts or drives away others. There are many other things that we have more control over that play a role, such as our attitude or personality.

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