As Of Today, I Am My Own Priority And No Longer Your Choice

From today, I am my own priority and no longer your choice

Many times I have felt that I am not a priority for others. Often I had decided not to meet them, but in the end I did it anyway. Sometimes it is easier to do the latter than to accept that you are not important to another person.

I came up with reasons why I had an exchange of this person. I also accepted negative treatments and thought it was a result of stress and problems. In the end, I realized that I could not continue like that and chose to be my own priority.

Being my own priority does not make me an egoist

Many times I have been told that my new attitude is bad and this has convinced me that what I am doing is correct. The only ones who have complained are those who have treated me as an alternative.

Sometimes I hesitated and thought that maybe they were right anyway. Later I realized that there is nothing better than to like myself, to take care of myself and that I am my own priority. This sometimes means that you have to be alone, but this is not a bad thing.

When I became my own priority, new people came into my life. You learn to attract people who are really interested in you. They will not be there all the time for you because they have lives to take care of and dreams to fulfill, but they will be there when they should be.

I accepted that there were people who just took advantage of me


The hardest part about being my own priority is understanding that some people just take advantage of me. They come to you when they need something. You feel that you are important, but they are only interested in what they can get.

Sometimes this also includes parts of the family and those I thought were my friends. It hurts a lot because they have a very important place in my heart. When I started to see myself as my own priority, they criticized me a lot.

When I started using the word “no” as an answer, they got annoyed. They did not seem to understand my behavior and then I understood that they were a weight in my life.

I have finally distanced myself from these people. It is difficult when it comes to family members because they will always be a part of one’s life. The difference now is that I say “no” when I feel like it and I do not listen to them when they complain.

The importance of understanding that I am valuable

The reason I was an alternative before was my insecurity. I did not think I had many qualities or motives that made me important. They continued to hurt me and criticize me.

When I chose to be my own priority, I started looking for my good qualities. It was not easy at first, but when I accepted myself, they started to show. I began to discover things that I had not emphasized before.

This has an avalanche-like effect. If you find a property and accept it, you will find more. You have many good qualities and most likely you have not seen them before.

I’m my own priority


I should accept that it is difficult to think of the past and not feel a certain nostalgia. I miss the people who have disappeared from my life. Sometimes I would like to go back and continue as it was, but later I remember how I felt and that today I am happier. Of course, not everything is perfect. But life is too complex to feel that you are not important.

When I realized that I was not a choice, many people disappeared. However, those who disappeared did not return and tried to solve something.

I guess every person has an opportunity in their life. I do not think there is any motive for “reviving” friendships. I really do not want to be an option for anyone in life.

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