Asking For Help Is Not Synonymous With Weakness

Asking for help is not synonymous with weakness

Asking for help is not synonymous with weakness or vulnerability. Asking for help is actually a brave act. By doing this, we accept our limitations and realize the role that others play in our growth.

From this point of view, it can be said that by asking for help we perform a humble and courageous act. Through this request for support, we recognize the value of other people, and fight against the general pressure to be self-sufficient.

Man is designed for cooperation and relationships with his surroundings to support collective development.

Flashing eyes

When we ask for help, we also express confidence in others. With this simple act, we strengthen our bonds. We are honest and have the people around us in mind when we think they can do something for us.

We tend to think of a request for socio-emotional support as a double-edged sword. We are afraid that it will help others take advantage of us or damage our independence by seriously threatening our ability to do things ourselves.

It is often negative experiences (a combination of disappointment and expectations) that make us think this way. It makes us less inclined to ask for help and show our needs to others.

We are not wrong, but the truth is that we can not live with a distrust that says that ” we will get a pot in our heads if we walk along the street “. Through this we convey the idea that the barriers we impose on ourselves are useful when the situation demands that we protect ourselves, but not after.

To ask for help

Asking for help is always a good way to start interacting with someone. In addition, it is an indispensable and basic social skill. When others can help us, it also makes them feel good. Rather than being selfish, asking for help is thus a way of considering the beauty of human relationships and the bonds that are formed around our actions.

Therefore, you should leave the need for pride and the feeling of infallibility behind you. Sometimes it is not logical to feel ashamed.

Hands in space

The fear of the negative is also one of the biggest factors. It makes us fear the possibility of being judged and seen as weak. To ask others for help, we need a sense of trust and comfort around others. If we do not work with these two pillars, the exchange will not flow as it should.

When we ask for help, we all win, because asking is as enriching as giving. Being helpful is great, but letting ourselves be helped is no less amazing. It is worth a try.

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