Do We Need Intense Experiences To Appreciate Life?

Do we need intense experiences to appreciate life?

An accident, an illness… to say goodbye to someone you love or to realize that someone will not return. In moments like these, time stops. Suddenly we realize that we are only on Earth for a short time and that life is fleeting. It’s like we can sometimes not appreciate life, even though it’s all we have.

Our routines take over and drag with us. We want more, even if we sometimes do not know what it means. Sometimes we neglect the relationships that are supposed to be precious and bind ourselves with ropes that make it difficult to breathe.

So often we get used to things rolling on, get used to the comfort of home, and forget that it is also a home.

Addiction is a learned habit that makes us respond less often and less intensely to stimuli that we have experienced repeatedly. We stop paying attention to things we take for granted. We forget the importance of being wise, or the blessing of being accompanied by the people we love.

But sometimes a storm comes and destroys everything. It knocks down your walls and puts obstacles in the way of your lifestyle. It may sound crazy, but sometimes we need extreme situations to appreciate life.

In these intense moments, you appreciate what you have. You realize how absurd it is not to appreciate life and pay attention to what you have.

Sad person by the sea

We know that life has an end, but most people I have seen waste their lives are those who are afraid of losing it. They are afraid of the fragility of “here today, who knows tomorrow?” I am not saying that one should not make plans for or think about the future.

What I mean is that life is today. It’s happening right now. And if thoughts of tomorrow or worries about the future make you neglect the importance of today, you may miss life.

Appreciating life does not mean that you are not allowed to have any routines. Nor does it mean that you have to seek extreme emotions to make your heart beat faster. It just means opening your eyes, paying attention to the little things and taking advantage of the time you have.

This means that you should be aware of who you are and what you have, and then fight to keep it. This means that you should be aware of what is not working so that you can fix it. In this way, tomorrow will be a better day, a day more worthy of your appreciation.

To value life is to give meaning to your time and understand that your dreams can make their debut at any time.

Someone recently told me how much she regretted that she put so much emphasis on her obligations. She said she feels she has wasted so much time working overtime. She regretted the days when the obligations won and she did not even meet her children.

Free woman

I’m writing this because there are things that do not deserve your devotion. They do not deserve it because they are not important. I also write this because there are things so important that it is wrong to take them for granted. It does not matter how often they happen or how much we feel they have always been there. Do not take them for granted.

Remember to breathe, listen to yourself and hear what is around you. Open your eyes to the little things, every day. Do not underestimate the importance of a beautiful afternoon. Take advantage of your time and invest in it, because you can not get it back.

Stop and think about it: time never stops moving. But there is still time left, and it belongs to you. Time passes and you have to realize it. Make sure you have intense experiences so that you can appreciate life, because life is valuable in itself.

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