Do You Or Someone You Know Suffer From A Hidden Depression?

Do you or someone you know suffer from a hidden depression?

A hidden depression is something that is often not talked about. It is a very worrying fact if we keep in mind that depression cases have increased more than other diseases and ailments around the world. The symptoms are often not even noticed by the person suffering from them.

There may be people in the world who really need help but have not realized it. The problem is that mental or emotional states tend to become more complex and acute if they are not treated in time. There are also all the side effects that this generates in the person’s social and mental health.

It is important that you do not overlook the feelings of lack of acceptance or disappointment as these go on. Do not regard them as your enemies. They can be a warning of a deeper problem. You should also not ignore the following signs, which are typical symptoms of a hidden depression.

People need to formulate routines to make their lives easier, especially to simplify tasks that are becoming increasingly routine. If each day were completely different from the previous one, we would have spent too much mental energy constantly adapting.

Routine is positive for the simple actions that do not need a new approach or new direction. It is also quite normal that we look for stability in the most important aspects of our lives.

Man with a hidden depression

Our routine becomes problematic when it makes us bored or when everything stagnates. There can be a hidden depression if we do not experience well-being in our lives when living with routine. And even when every change annoys us. There is a problem if your attitude is to just let time go by due to lack of interest or lack of confidence in the changes that are occurring around you.

Those who frequently lie about simple things concerning their lives may have a hidden depression. When asked how they feel, they always say that everything is fine, even when this answer is far from the truth. If people comment and say that the person seems down, the person will only say that he feels tired. They avoid talking about their real state and sometimes come up with stories about what they want to do in their free time.

It is quite normal for them to come up with an excuse when making plans. They are afraid of social gatherings, and even though they live with a difficult routine, they are actually afraid of doing something that goes beyond this routine. They do not want others to know how they really feel. They hide this because they know deep down that something is not right and they want this thing to continue to be hidden.

People with latent depression tend to be lonely. Systematic isolation without any real purpose is often a sign that something is wrong with our emotions. In that case, it is not that they are shy or introverted people, but that they feel annoyed about having someone by their side.

Woman with a hidden depression

Most of their conversations are superficial or forced, or they seem more pre-programmed than natural. They only talk about general topics, those that do not concern them personally. If anyone wants to learn about their life, they will avoid the conversation. They send out clear signals that they do not want to get close to anyone. They may smile and be friendly, but they always set up a barrier as others try to get to know them deeply.

Another symptom that sends signals that there is a hidden depression is the intake of certain stimulants. Those who suffer from this problem without realizing it try to compensate for this feeling of emptiness by using chemical and biological stimuli that make them feel a little better.

They often start with alcohol, foods high in sugar or excessive caffeine intake. These three substances provide a stimulus that they perceive as necessary. It is not just about a smaller consumption, but about proper frequency and quantity.

Woman with anxiety

In a hidden depression, other symptoms often occur. Among these we find difficulty sleeping, changes in eating habits, a feeling of emptiness and abandonment, a lack of interest in most activities and gastrointestinal problems.

If you know someone who has many or some of these symptoms, you should keep an eye on that person. Respect his privacy, but be willing to listen and support him. If you suspect that you may be suffering from a hidden depression yourself, you should take this seriously. Sometimes a short therapy can be enough to get rid of the inconvenience that prevents you from enjoying life.

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