Getting Rid Of Emotional Parasites

Getting rid of emotional parasites

If some people weigh you down, start carrying them in your heart instead of on your shoulders. Do not let their problems weigh down your life and do not make them a backpack you have to carry.

People are much more than that. Thus, they are a part of your life, but at the same time they are their own “everything”. Therefore , everyone must carry their own weight and not lean on other people.

If we do this, we will make ourselves responsible for our own existence, be able to solve our own problems, understand our emotions and deal with conflicts without being dependent on anyone else.

Girl and heart

Emotional parasites are people who live on our emotions and thoughts. They are not necessarily bad people ; they are simply people who live trapped in their own complexes and never seem to be able to do anything for themselves.

So you could say that there are two types of emotional parasites. Let’s take a look.

Some cling to a part of us and spend their lives entrusting us with their sorrows and bad times so that we can comfort them. These people need us to vent their discomfort with the world. And when they are well, we will probably never hear anything about their existence.

When these people feel satisfied, they will forget who helped them when they were at the bottom. But when they again feel the need to confirm their emotional state, they return. This behavior is usually not only something that hurts and makes us feel exploited, but it is also contagious. It spreads its negative state and destroys us.

Their complaining, disappointment and pessimism are so constant that they often demand opinions in order to be pushed out of their pondering. Their point of view is so black that they make us question our own perspective.

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Then we have emotional parasites that behave aggressively and take advantage of their appearance, leadership or persuasive abilities based on promises you can not miss.

These are people who are slowly deceiving us and invading our lives. They demand more and more affection from a person without stopping and thinking about the emotional consequences this may have for the victim.

In relationships, they only consider their own needs and, even if not consciously, tend to always fulfill and satisfy their own whims and interests above all else. In the same way, they dismiss all wishes from the person they are exploiting.

They ask for more and more love and attention, which makes the situation harder and harder to tolerate. Thereby it generates a feeling of powerlessness and worthlessness that develops a state of insecurity and low self-esteem in the other.

As expected, this situation absorbs our energy, wears us out and cancels us. Usually we take some time to “detoxify” once we discover what is going on, but when we return, our energy is wasted again.

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If you feel as if you are carrying other people on your shoulders , it is best to analyze and reflect on all the emotional imbalances that these relationships cause you.

Remember that emotional parasites spread their emotional states to you. So it is possible that you may feel mentally tired and diminished.

The important thing is that you get back all your personal needs that were dismissed when you took care of your parasite. When you get them back, prioritize them. Doing this does not mean that you stop loving this person; you are only protecting yourself from certain aspects in order to maintain your emotional balance.

Do not feel incapable or guilty of not being able to meet the needs of the other person. Everyone is responsible for their own lives and the rest of us form only parts of them, and not their wholes. Remember that everyone must bear their own burdens, without shouldering the role of savior. We are only responsible for our own happiness.

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