Going To Bed Angry Or Worried Is A Bad Habit

Going to bed when you are angry or worried does not only lead to fatigue. In addition, the burden of these negative emotions often leaves an imprint in your brain that prevents you from thinking clearly.
Going to bed angry or worried is a bad habit

Going to bed angry or worried is a bad habit. Yet many do it often. Most people do it almost without thinking about it. This is because when it is your emotions that control, you often just hide your head in the pillow, and decide to solve it the next day. Unfortunately, you rarely solve a problem by sleeping on it, which means it will still be there when you wake up.

Who has not gone through this? For example, when you argue with your partner, and instead of resolving your disagreements, you resort to accusations and other unfortunate words. In addition, you choose the kind of silence that leads you to sleep back to back, both wrapped in your own, childish pride. This makes it impossible to get a good night’s rest. You may not even fall asleep at all!

Not getting a good night’s rest always leads to a tough morning because you are exhausted and can not think clearly. In such a state, it is very difficult to find the courage and ingenuity to resolve disagreements with your partner. You can understand why it is bad for your health to go to bed when you are angry.

In addition, recent studies show that even if you rest for a few hours , your brain is negatively affected by sleeping under the influence of negative emotions. Keep reading to find out more about this.

Your brain is negatively affected by sleeping under the influence of negative emotions

Going to bed angry is harmful

Going to bed angry or worried also makes you wake up in a very bad mood. As a result, you are losing a great deal of your cognitive potential. In other words, things like memory, reflective capacity and creativity. In fact, the inner peace you need to actively face problems proactively disappears.

Sherlock Holmes said that proper rest is the solution to all problems. But according to experts, such good advice is only true if you can leave your worries behind. Being able to lie on your pillow with the exclusive purpose of sleeping is definitely healthy for you.

However, if you lie down stressed, under pressure, worried or angry, you will only intensify your discomfort. This is mainly because a negative emotional state not only makes it difficult to get a good night’s sleep but it also affects your brain negatively.

Going to bed angry can make you sleepless

Your brain and negative emotions at night

Dr. Yunzhe Liu from Peking Normal University has conducted a study in collaboration with University College London on this topic. “I wanted to know the effects of going to bed angry or worried,” she says. She discovered that one thing that really affects sleep is how to deal with your feelings and worries.

Through magnetic resonance imaging, researchers have observed that when you fall asleep angry, anxious and stressed, this changes different parts of the brain. It seems to be a cumulative effect, which means that you do not notice it immediately after arguing with your partner one night and you then went to bed apart. The main changes occur when this behavior becomes commonplace.

The same goes for stress and constant anxiety. Going to bed in such a negative state week after week changes your brain in several ways :

  • The hippocampus, a part of the brain related to your memory and emotions, becomes smaller.
  • When you are angry, the activity in the frontal lobe decreases, which is the area responsible for rational thinking and executive tasks. This is because your mind assumes the classic tunnel vision. In other words, you only see a part of reality. Thus, you can not relativize. Therefore, your strategies for solving problems in a reflective and creative way fail.
  • Your memory gets worse because your brain cannot perform its tasks efficiently during the night hours. This is clearly manifested in the difficulty of storing new memories.
Negative emotions affect your sleep and mental ability

Do not take your problems with you in bed

Have you ever heard that you “should never go to bed angry or worried”? But there are times when problems pile up, push you down, and your mind fills with knots that you can not solve. So, what can you do to keep this kind of oppression away from the pillow?

The first thing you can do is avoid building up all this stress and anxiety. The problems that have arisen will soon be solved, as long as you let the aggressive emotions cool down a bit first. You must confront the disagreement with your partner or with another person as soon as possible after that. Because the things you leave for tomorrow do not always resolve themselves. In most cases, they actually only get even more complicated.

Let your body and soul rest, free from negative emotions. Techniques such as relaxation, meditation and deep breathing can help you. You can also take a hot bath or enjoy a good book to help you fall asleep peacefully.

A calm mind sleeps better and also helps you to live your life to the fullest, in a healthier way.

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