How To Heal A Broken Heart

How to heal a broken heart

Her soul hurts, hurts deeply. She has met many people on the battlefield of love, but what she felt for this person she has not known before and may never recognize.

He’s gone now. He has met a new love that has turned his life upside down. He feels that she is now nothing more than a friend, a sister; he does not feel anything more than this. When he explains this to her, she dies slowly inside due to a broken heart.

She asks herself over and over again when this will pass, while she continues to cry in silence every night when no one is watching. During the days she does thousands of things and tries to fool herself that she has forgotten him. When evening comes, she feels lonely again, and empty. And she plays that sad song again, the one that seems to be written for her.

Be patient, for a broken heart will heal

No matter how much we try to find new loves, do thousands of things in one day, avoid the places we visited together and which we remember with tears and nostalgia… Forgetting is a difficult task when love has invaded you.

When the evening comes and we are alone with ourselves, when the working day has really ended, when the daily chores are finished, that feeling of love comes back and we feel its intensity.

But a broken heart is, like love, an experience we will all go through in life. This fact should make us happy because we have been lucky enough to feel love, to experience it and learn what it is.

So even if it hurts, a broken heart also has a positive side. It’s a product of a beautiful thing that you’ve been through. And this is something that no one can take away from you.


How to heal a broken heart?

  • Talk about it and surround yourself with people you love. The people who love us and who are by our side during our most difficult moments can help us get away from this sadness by talking to us. They laugh with us and help us put things in perspective. Do not lock yourself into your thoughts.
  • Remember that the time you spent was filled with happiness. Life is unpredictable and we have to get used to a poem that says: “Everything goes on and everything stops, but it is our duty to go on.”
  • Enjoy being single. Society tries to tell us that happiness can only be found with someone else, but this is not necessarily true. It is important for us to be happy. And you can be happy yourself, or with someone else…. seek your own happiness.
  • Take your time. Cry, scream… but then move forward. You are a whole person. Stop looking for your other half. You do not need anyone else.
  • Do not spend time with this person. Your wounds must heal. It is not good to spend time with a person who arouses these feelings within you. Have fun with new people, flirt with them… There are more trees in the forest.
  • Do not plan your revenge. What is that gray feeling even good for? It has no purpose other than to harm yourself. Even if many things have gone badly in the relationship, you should forgive the person and let him go on without revenge.

Remember that love and broken hearts are a part of life, and that you will also go through bad times. No matter how gray the sky may seem now, the sun will shine again. Learn from the relationship and continue to grow as a person.

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