I Do Not Want To Be Perfect, I Want To Make Mistakes!

I do not want to be perfect, I want to make mistakes!

I want to make mistakes, without fear, without remorse; I have actually already done it, and if I decide on this at the right time, it is because I thought about it with reason and followed my heart, which was the best choice for me.

I do not want to be perfect and I do not want to demand so much of myself and others. I realize that we can all make mistakes; today I, tomorrow you, and so it is. No more bitterness against you or guilt within me, those who inflict so much pain on me.

I want to make my own decisions and not always be dependent on the praise of others, because it will be me who gets the last word. And of course I will listen to the opinions of others, I will listen to their advice as long as they have a good purpose…


But I do not want to deceive myself, because deep down I know what is good for me. Even if you say that bungee jumping is the best experience in the world, that I should try it and that I’m a coward if I do not, I will not do it, because bungee jumping is not for me…

I do not want to compare myself with anyone else, nor do I do what other people do or be jealous of other people’s achievements or brag about my own triumphs. I just want to follow my path, be proud of my wise decisions and my mistakes. I do not want to be perfect, neither for myself nor for others, because now I want to make mistakes!

As such , I will make decisions that I think are right, and if I fail, I will go back to the drawing board, because that is the game of life – to get it right and fail, to get it right again and fail again…

I will always succeed in doing things without hurting others, but if I fail, if I hurt someone else’s feelings, I will ask for his forgiveness and always forgive myself.

Holds heart

We all have shortcomings, we all make mistakes, because that’s what people do – they make mistakes. So I will set the bar low… because I no longer want to push myself and be the perfect child that everyone loves and praises. Now I want to be the one who loves what I do, with my virtues and various shortcomings.

They can say what they want, because I just want to be at peace with myself and get rid of this burden that I carry on my back and that weighs me down; stop torturing myself over my mistakes and constantly throw them in my own face.

So now, finally, I have no interest in being perfect, as I had before. No! I want to learn to be more tolerant of myself… I know it will be difficult, because I have always demanded too much of myself and also made it difficult for others; but I am ready and excited, very excited to try, and that is also why I am happy today.

Right or wrong

Some advice for perfectionists:

1. Learn to love yourself. You can be self-critical without destroying yourself. We learn from our mistakes and they are the basis of all our lessons.

2. If you make a mistake and this gives you anxiety, you should take care of your body and soul. You can meditate, relax or engage in another activity that will help you relax. Do you like to see your loved ones sick? Your first relative is yourself.

3. Learn that there is a saying that goes, “All people make mistakes, but only wise people learn from their mistakes.” There is a reason for this. As I have already said, we learn from our mistakes. Thanks to them, we can improve and grow.

4. Look around. Are other people perfect? No. So why should you be? Do not be afraid that they will not love you because of your mistakes. Those who love you love the whole package.

Woman on the beach

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