If They Have Stopped Caring, Give Up

If they have stopped caring, give up

Give up on all the situations that make you uncomfortable. Give up on the people who have stopped meaning something to you. Giving up is difficult. It is a very important step where we feel insecure and full of doubts. But there are times when we have no other choice if we want to stop suffering.

It is difficult for us to let go of people who have been important to us. They no longer look in our direction, their goals in life are no longer in line with ours. What are they bringing to the table now? Sticking to them will make us suffer and we will not be able to move on. The smartest solution is to give up.

Give up, out of respect for yourself

How many times have we mentioned the metaphor of the train? The train where we are protagonists. Where some people get on and stay, and others just stay for a while. Some people will only receive a simple greeting from us. Others on the other hand will share our journey and we will establish a much deeper relationship with them.

What happens to these people who take on a deeper meaning for us? We want to keep them on our train, and we do not want them to get off. But we can not force anyone to stay with us until the end. Many of these people will get off and this will hurt at first. But in time you will understand that you have to let go, because no one belongs to you.


Sticking to a situation that is not going anywhere will cause you pain. You give everything of yourself for a relationship that has no future. We have always been told that we must give without expecting anything in return. The problem is that if this is allowed to continue, we will run the risk of harming ourselves. We will crash into the same wall over and over again.

Giving up on someone is an act of self-love. You need to give yourself the chance to heal the wounds of that lost relationship. This is the only way you will be able to meet new people and discover that there are people who really want to hold your hand through life.

When it’s time to give up

Sometimes a person’s feelings are transformed, but he does not abandon us. This often happens in relationships where love has been reduced to consideration, but the two are still together. Sometimes it’s because they do not dare to end. They have “become accustomed” to being together. Other times it is because they believe it is not the other person’s fault that they are no longer loved.


The problem with this situation is that both are suffering. One will feel empty because the other does not satisfy his needs. The other will feel chained because he is with someone he no longer has feelings for. It is therefore not uncommon for concern to be exchanged for frustration. The following signs indicate that everything is over:

  • Your partner is no longer worried about your needs, especially from a caring perspective. He does not show consideration, so you begin to feel lonely and abandoned.
  • The person ignores your ideas and opinions, and begins to make decisions for himself. Most of the time, he or she acts according to his or her own needs.
  • You are the one who keeps the relationship above the water surface. You give everything. If at some point you stop giving, when you know you will not get anything back, the relationship will have reached its goal.
  • The person has begun to humiliate and criticize you and distance himself for no apparent reason. All of a sudden, the person who was your source of happiness has become your executioner.

For some reason, you are no longer a priority for that person and it hurts. The right thing for him is to be honest with you so that you do not have to notice all these things. Keep in mind that giving is voluntary. You really do not want to do that, but you have to make this decision to not suffer more in the relationship.


Throughout life, you will have to give up on partners, friends, and even family members. Learning to say goodbye and understand that this is good for you is a reality that you can only understand with time and experience.

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