If You Settle For Crumbs You Will Always Be Weak And Starving

If you settle for crumbs, you will always be weak and starving

Crumbs enable survival, to go from one place to another over time. They let you continue to live, but barely keep you alive while your self-esteem and your hopes sink to the bottom. There are too many people who are content with crumbs and who have great sensitivity and talent. At the same time, there are too many who enjoy the whole cake without the slightest sign of decency and feeling.

If there were no people who were content with crumbs, there would be no ego-tripped, complacent people; they would at least get it harder. We are talking about people who create toxic relationships: the sadist against the masochist, the sacrificial worker and the exploitative boss, the dedicated spouse and the demanding spouse. The wise parent and child who has become a “little tyrant”.

Do you think some of us are born predisposed to settle for crumbs, while others are capable of eating the cake over and over again? Logically, this is never the case.

The ability not to rebel is ancient and the result is a captivated self-esteem that is diminished by fears that are really just shadows, thoughts of smoke that have no parallel relationship in our reality, except the chains they force on the people who experience them.

Crumbs to survive the day and tomorrow’s hunger and uncertainty. It is not easy to detect when you live on crumbs and when you get what makes you feel strong and whole. Let us give an example of a woman who seeks love and constantly stumbles upon men who lie and even ignore her by giving her an irrelevant role in their lives.

This woman values ​​love, the feeling of friendship, the intimacy of hugs. She needs a dose of this to “keep going”. But she gives so much and settles for so little that in the end she does not get any of this. She finds a kiss among hundreds of insults, she hears a kind word among a large number of actions that contradict it, and she finds herself falling in love with someone she knows less and less with each passing day.

Woman with mask

Many people think that it is great to give love without expecting anything in return. The Machiavellian part of this unbalanced, emotional relationship is that by giving so much without receiving completely, they will completely give up their self-love.

To love without asking for anything in return is to give yourself up indefinitely, until you discover that you are dehydrated and exhausted, with nothing positive left. Until you end up in a situation where there are no more ports to moor in during the storm.

You do not have to sign a contract to know how much you are willing to lose each time. It is not about anticipating possible injuries and prejudices. Your self-esteem requires wide-open eyes, ears that belong with intelligence and a memory that knows how to relate what you just experienced with what it really does not want to happen again.

Your self-esteem is not content with crumbs. Your self-esteem is content with empathy, determination and the ability to be independent. Damaged self-esteem is like a worker who is rewarded in a mediocre way, who works hour after hour without a break, without having the chance to live a life filled with dignity.

Giving everything will never lead anywhere, and enduring betrayal or accepting indifference from others will not do so either.

Ship on woman

If you want to have good self-esteem and your plans in life within reach instead of drifting out at sea, do not let others give you crumbs and even seem grateful to them because you have begun to believe that it is the only thing you can hope for .

The result is a vicious circle. When you end a relationship, you will always be weak and starving. You will be content with crumbs here and there without being able to enjoy the whole cake because you have convinced yourself that you do not deserve it. This also leads to others starting to believe it. It even seems to make them happy because they can prioritize their pleasure and enjoyment. You are faced with crumbs, indifference.

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