It Seems To Be Fashionable Not To Say What You Feel

It seems fashionable not to say what you feel

It seems that nowadays you do not want to say what you feel because you are afraid of being rejected by others. It seems that we want to try to pretend that we do not care who is sitting next to us. It seems that we do not want to show how we experience things.

We become afraid to open up and show who we really are. We are afraid to show our feelings; to let ourselves fall and let someone else catch us. We are so scared that we prefer to be quiet and hide under a shell instead.

It seems fashionable not to say that you love someone. How many times have you said that today? How many people do you really love? Probably more people than have been told this to date. It will not protect us not to say what we feel. It gags us, but it does not diminish our emotions.

Not saying what we feel is not good, because it increases the distance between us and the people we love. It should therefore always be fashionable to say what you feel.

The fear of expressing ourselves and letting go of our innermost feelings is a defense mechanism and a way to protect ourselves from disappointment as well as from feeling abandoned. In other words, we want to avoid feeling vulnerable. It is normal for us to say “I love you” when we start a relationship or when we are happy about love. It is also normal to thank our loved ones for the love they show us, but sometimes we do not do this because we think they already know. But what is so wrong with expressing emotions?

Man sitting by field.

What we do not say will remain within us and form a knot that can sometimes hurt. What we do not say will become a burden, because it makes us prisoners within ourselves. It creates distance between us and the people we love, and disconnects us from our feelings.

Let this trend die out. Let us put an end to this tendency not to show how we feel. Let’s try to say things and show our love. Let’s take off that armor. Let us open ourselves up without being afraid of what others might see.

Why do we wait to tell others that we love them? It is always better to be repulsed than to forever wonder what could have happened. We do not turn into worse people because we show our feelings. The exact opposite indeed! Saying what we feel makes us free and honest people, because we show ourselves as we really are, and we let others see our essence.

Do not wait until tomorrow and do not let time fly away! Let’s not make it easier for another person to move on. Let us show what our hearts feel and let us show everything we carry with us inside.

Woman and man.

It is important to say what you feel and feel what you say. Let us try to free ourselves and let go of what is dragging us down. Let us try to say what we feel and become much calmer, because we will have won over our fears. We managed to be ourselves and also show how we feel…

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