Life Is Too Short To Live According To Other People’s Plans

Life is too short to live by the plans of others

It is said that life is too short and that many times without noticing it you wake up and discover that you have lived and still live according to other people’s plans.

And the truth is that what scares me the most is not that you can make mistakes, it is not even failures, nor the times you have deviated from the path. What makes one afraid is a life where one has not lived and a life where one has been forced to live according to other people’s plans.

Many times it takes a long time to understand that the life we ​​live does not make us happy. Sometimes it takes time because you are in love, because you have hopes that a little at a time become false. Something that was once promised to us but which has not come true.

There are many ways in which this can happen. Sometimes it has to do with your family and other times with your partner… No matter what, this is not something we should allow.

There are few things that are as personal as how you want to live your own life. And no one should change the path of anyone else.

If you choose to live by the plans of others, you will cease to be yourself


You are your values, your dreams from yesterday and your desires for the present. You are your choices, your hopes for tomorrow and your sorrows. You are what you have achieved and what you still have to achieve… How can you let yourself live by other people’s plans so that they change your identity without your permission?

It is necessary to walk this path called life in the simplest way possible: with freedom, without burdens in the heart and without distractions in the mind.

In life, one should not go and be afraid, but one should enjoy it to the fullest. And if in these moments you do not feel the latter, if you only feel negative emotions when you wake up in the morning, then you are not living the life you want. Maybe you have now come to live according to other people’s plans.

Then your daily life is filled with another person’s universe

There are those who have a social dynamic with their partner that makes them like a satellite around this person.

This is initially due to love because you have hopes and because for a while you can not see the details that make up reality.

  • There are those who feel that they must have control over everything, and if they do not have it, their castles in the air will collapse.
  • The necessity of having such control is rooted in a low self-esteem that has become an authoritarian personality without flexibility. Respecting the will of others and their personal space carries the risk of losing them.
  • Being the one who makes the decisions, the one who chooses, the one who accepts or denies, nourishes the one who has a low self-esteem.

A real and happy life does not look for prisoners: no one belongs to anyone else

It is not about having a life without relationships, a life where you do not have someone who means something close to you. It is about being aware that you should not see anyone else as your property. No one belongs to anyone else.

I do not belong to you and you do not belong to me, I choose you in freedom for us to go hand in hand. For both of us to create our own happiness.

  • I am aware that everyone is born free and one must choose one’s own life; I respect your choices, your values ​​and your way of thinking.
  • Therefore, every day I try to harmonize my personal spaces with the common spaces that we both share.

I free myself from the life that others have created for me

If we grew up with controlling parents, there is a risk that we will have a life where we do not live in accordance with who we really are. This often affects relationships later in life.

  • In order to live a happy and genuine life, we should not “attach” ourselves to different people. It is better to set a goal: happiness. For this goal is what we deserve. And you do not deserve to have someone who makes you suffer.

Photos by Pascal Campion, Anna Dittman and Gaelle Boissonard.

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