Magnetic Senses: People Who Want To Learn U0026 Connect Emotionally

Magnetic senses are deeply attracted to knowledge, to experience things, to feel things and to create emotionally intense contacts with people. These people have hearts that want to find the meaning of life, but when they do not find a meaning that is big enough, they run the risk of suffering from depression or a serious disappointment.

Maybe the term “magnetic senses” is new to you or even seems strange. We love to put labels on personality types, behaviors and life in general. But what we’re talking about today is not as new as you might think. It was first coined in 2000 in a book by psychologist Mary-Elaine Jacobsen, entitled “The Gifted Adult: A Revolutionary Guide for Liberating Everyday Genius.”

What she and many other psychologists have seen for many years in her patients is a very specific personality type. And no one has named it until recently. They are people who shine and not only with their knowledge, but also with their fantastic sensitivity, intense passion for life and high (sometimes too high) ideals.

They want to build a rewarding professional future for themselves in line with their abilities. They want relationships where they can experience intense emotions and create a meaningful life together. And they are looking for friends that they can connect with on an intellectual and especially emotional level.

We could say that such people see no middle ground. Everything must be intense, everything should give them an eye-opening and almost magical feeling that they can gather to create something.

As you can probably imagine, this type of personality will constantly contradict itself. The magnetic mind and its high expectations almost always clash with the raw reality.

Many people confuse magnetic senses with a high IQ. We should make it clear that this is not always the case. There are people with an enormous ability to achieve things. They are curious, willing to gather knowledge and experience and above all to enjoy emotionally the whole process.

Let us now look at more properties.

The mindset of magnetic senses spreads like “tree branches”. They climb from one concept to a deeper, and then they jump to another idea and another. They become interested in many things at once and dive into them out of sheer curiosity. They have a restless need to know and discover.

Their minds work very fast and they are deeply affected by disappointment. Criticism, lies and emotional coldness can be devastating and painful.

Magnetic senses constantly hear things like “you are too enthusiastic”, “you are too sensitive”, “you are too dramatic”, “you are moving too fast” . As you can see, “too much” is the common theme here.

And here comes the eternal contradiction with magnetic senses. In their heads, even when people around them think they are living in constant abundance (especially emotional), they themselves think that there is something that is always missing. They feel gaps and the need to work much harder. They think there is so much to do.

They are constantly dissatisfied. Why? Because they can not find meaningful personal relationships, because life goes on without any meaning and because they might have worked harder and learned moreā€¦

If there is one thing that magnetic senses want, it is a life partner who will challenge them mentally and emotionally. This is without a doubt one of their biggest goals, but also one of their biggest frustrations.

So it is common for them to go through very tough times of anxiety and maybe even depression. They are very sensitive. During their days or months of isolation, many of them will dive deeper into their thoughts and try to forget their disappointment through books or new classes. They will basically accumulate knowledge.

What magnetic senses need most is to feel perfected and accepted. It is never easy if you constantly live with such a high emotional frequency with an infinite desire to accumulate knowledge and find meaning in life.

It is not easy for them to find their magnetic beacon. So they need to learn to keep their feet on the ground and find balance. They need to understand that life does not always have the meaning they want it to have. And they also need to see that the answer is often not outside them but inside.

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