Master Your Negative Feelings Through Acceptance

Master your negative emotions through acceptance

There are negative emotions that live within us as monsters that haunt us and come out at the wrong times. They include guilt, fear, pride, selfishness, envy, jealousy…

Sometimes it is complicated to overcome feelings of guilt over something we have done, and it is inevitable to feel fear when faced with situations that worry us.

It is probably not possible to eliminate the negative emotions, but it is possible to accept and deal with them in order to coexist with them and not let them control our lives.

Cthulhu in the sea

We can all learn to identify and manage our emotions, but we can also identify other people’s emotions by using our emotional intelligence. In this way we can feel what other people feel by reading their words, gestures and expressions.

Charles Darwin maintained that all animals (including humans) have a considerable repertoire of emotions and that all of these emotions have a social function because they promote the process of adapting to our surroundings.

There are six basic emotions, and they all have their own function…

1. Fear. This is the feeling we feel in the face of danger, whether it is real or fabricated. Fear makes us protect ourselves and put ourselves in safety.

2. Surprise. Marvel at an unexpected event, whether positive or negative. Surprise allows us to orient ourselves when faced with this new situation.

3. Reluctance. It is disgust that is generated by something and that makes us oppose it.

4. Peace. Feelings of irritation when faced with a situation that bothers us. Anger is a negative and destructive feeling.

5. Joy. Euphoria for something that makes us feel happy and gives us a sense of security and well-being. It makes us want to repeat the situation that made us feel good.

6. Sorg. It is the feeling that negative things produce. Grief leads us to overcome a situation and release our emotions.

There are various techniques to control and deal with negative emotions

These are used to control our emotions immediately when they arise.

In general, they have to do with the handling of our attention. It is the effort to avoid expressing negative emotions when they affect us and to prevent us from being swept away by them.

This is a group of technicians whose purpose is to understand what makes us react in a certain way and to find a way for us to react differently.

The reason may be lack of self-esteem, misconception of a situation, fear, etc.

Techniques for permanent emotional change work in the depths of our beings towards personal growth so that we stop reacting in ways we do not want to.

People and eye

We can not avoid feeling emotions, but we can learn to deal with and accept them so that they do not hurt us.

Next are some tips for managing your emotional intelligence and controlling the monsters:

We all have many shortcomings, but also virtues that make us unique people.

It is common for us to constantly say negative things about ourselves: I’m so bad at this! I’m a wreck! I’m always late! etc. But we never stop to think of all the virtues we have, of all the things we do well, of all our everyday successes.

When a baby screams, the first thing we try to do is distract its attention so that it stops screaming.

Do not let the mind drift. If your partner says he or she is not sure about your relationship, do not think about how he or she may leave you – think about the book you are reading.

Sometimes negative emotions can make us think about the long-term consequences, but it is better to think about the immediate future so that we can be more realistic and maintain our self-control.

Meditating is proven to be very helpful in avoiding negative thoughts, not only when they arise, but also in the long run.

Meditating and breathing properly can help you reduce anxiety and other negative emotions.

If you think about the worst that can happen, you will learn to put your problems in perspective, compare them and deal with your emotions.

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