Psychological Manipulation Techniques You Can Be A Victim Of

Psychological manipulation techniques you can be a victim of

They can be found anywhere, even in the places we spend the most time in. It could be your boss, your neighbor, an employee, a distant or close relative, or even a friend. We are talking about people who are masters of psychological manipulation techniques and who use them to confuse us.

Even if they are in our environment  , it is not easy to discover these people. Their character traits and personality traits are not obvious. No one wears a sign on their forehead warning that the person is a narcissist or sociopath. So how can we avoid them?

These people reach for the pain of others. Therefore, it is not that you are weak, vulnerable or special; you are just another victim. Just one more number.

We have all experienced guilt or mistrust in certain situations we have been involved in. And the worst thing is that we can feel it without knowing why or how. But the fact is that the consequences hit us, undermine our morale, complicate our lives and increase our insecurity. How can they do this without us noticing?

Manipulator pulls the threads

In general, there are many types of manipulative people: sociopaths, narcissists, liars and so-called psychological vampires. Discovering them is a practical matter rather than a theoretical one. Therefore, if you have fallen victim to them before, it will be easier to be on your guard.

The goals of manipulative people can be quite clear, and they follow a certain pattern. Some of their psychological manipulation techniques include:

  • To eradicate your willpower:  to try so that you doubt that you will remain under the “protection” of the manipulator.
  • To destroy your self-esteem:  to erase everything you do or have done. They are not constructive with their criticism; they only highlight defects.
  • Passive-aggressive revenge:  they punish you by ignoring you. When you need them, they can push you aside. Even if you ask for something, they can ignore the answer.
  • Distortion of reality:  they enjoy confusing people and creating quarrels and misunderstandings between others. After generating a dispute, they stay on the sidelines, having fun with the quarrelsome people.

Manipulation can generate deep wounds in all of us. Therefore, it seems necessary for us to know the psychological manipulation techniques that are most often used. The goal is to learn to anticipate their actions and not be their puppet.

These people often laugh at our opinions, accuse us and make us feel guilty. They carry out subtle attacks, interrogate us, do nothing they do not like, try to create self-pity, deny truths… All these things are necessary to control the situation.

But what psychological manipulation techniques do they use to achieve that?


Gaslighting is one of the most insidious psychological manipulation techniques. “It never happened”, “you imagine” or “are you crazy?” are common things they say  to distort and confuse our perception of reality,  leading you to believe that an actual event never took place.

It instills a feeling of anguish and confusion in the victim,  so much so that the person stops trusting himself and his own memory, his perception and his judgment.

You are exposed to gas lighting


The manipulator transfers his negative traits or shifts responsibility for his behavior to another person. Narcissists and psychopaths often use this to confirm that the evil that surrounds them is not their fault, but yours.

Meaningless conversations

Ten minutes of conversation. By that time, you will surely leave the call. Manipulators talk nonsense, give illogical explanations, create smoke curtains, etc.

They’re just trotting around. They engage in monologues and try to surround you with their talk. A tip? Cancel them, for your own sake. If you can walk after five minutes, that’s just fine. Your mind will thank you.

Generalizations and disqualifications

They make general, vague statements. They may seem intellectual, but in reality they are only vague. Their conclusions are too general. Their goal is to dismiss you and destroy your opinions.

For example, they might say, “you always want to be right,” “everything bothers you,” or “you never agree.” Stay calm. You can use a little sarcasm by answering with a simple “thank you” or ignoring them with a resounding “I think you’re a little upset, we’ll talk later.”

Manipulating woman

The absurd

Remember that manipulators want to undermine your morals and make you change what you believe. They can put words in your mouth like you never said. They will make you believe that they have the ability to read your mind. But no, it’s just a trick. You can tell them that they have a right to their opinion, but that you stand by your view. You can also respond to the blackmail with a few words.

The important thing is that you remove your self-esteem from their power. They want to throw it on the ground to control you. Once you are weak, you are a much easier prey.

A good-natured mask

“Yes, but…” If you just bought a house, these people will say it’s a shame it’s not on the beach. If you look more elegant than ever, they will notice that you should wear better earrings. If you compile a perfect report, they will notice that the clip does not sit really straight.

But do not let this affect you. You know what you’re worth! Your achievements and virtues are worth more than their manipulation techniques. Do not give them credibility, and spend more time with people who focus on what is right and who give you constructive criticism, not destructive comments.

Fake masks

Resist their angry attacks

When you confront a manipulator  , it is quite normal that his anger will increase rapidly, especially if you do not play his game. His frustration tolerance is usually not very high. It is possible that he will start saying ugly things and even insult you. This is the fruit of his own disbelief.

These are the most subtle and frequent psychological manipulation techniques that people can use to control you. Have control over your emotions and keep a cool head: this is the only way to escape their control. If you do not bend down, they will get tired and look for another victim.

Life is always better without people who exhibit toxic behaviors.

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