Seven Jobs In Demand Over The Next Five Years

The jobs that will be most in demand in the next few years are those that take advantage of new technological advances, as well as those that help solve problems created by technological development.
Seven in-demand jobs over the next five years

The world is changing at a dizzying pace. Things we think we can not live but today may be gone and forgotten just a few weeks later. Although this does not play a direct role when it comes to fashion or more trivial aspects of our lives, it is more important for more serious issues, such as how we earn our living. When it comes to such things, we must be foresighted. With this in mind, it is worth looking at some in-demand jobs over the next five years.

Many roles and jobs that involve manual labor for the low-skilled are likely to disappear in the short, medium and long term. In other words, if a role can be easily automated, people will sooner or later be replaced by machines.

Many of the professions that will be most in demand in the coming years are closely related to technology. However, there are also some more traditional roles that seem to be becoming more important in meeting the demands of new lifestyles and priorities. Let’s take a look at some of these jobs in more detail.

A man points to his cell phone

Demanded jobs for the future – app developers

Many aspects of our human lives are slowly being digitized, in one way or another. As a result, there is a growing demand for the apps we use to be more secure and user-friendly, and to be compatible with a wide range of different devices.

App developers will have a lot of work to do in the next few years, and they must learn to adapt quickly to a changing environment. This is a role for software developers, those who study computer technology and systems technology and those who are trained specifically in app development.

2. Drone pilot

Another job that will be in great demand in the next few years is drone pilot. It will not be long before a large part of the world’s deliveries are made with the help of drones. The same applies to public transport, where self-driving vehicles are already in operation.

In the not too distant future, unmanned taxis and volocopters will be fashionable means of transport. Anyone who knows a thing or two about drones will be in high demand in the short and medium term, whether as a pilot, mechanic or expert in navigation systems.

3. Engineer in the food industry

In the next few years, it is likely that we will also see major changes in food technology. The state of our planet, from climate change to desertification in certain regions and a growing population, has made it a priority to improve food production. At the same time, our daily bread has been a priority throughout the ages, and the sector that has employed the most people.

As a result, engineers in the food industry will be fully occupied in the coming years. These professionals are trained in increasing the production of, and sustainability of, food through, among other things, genetic engineering; something that may become an increasingly important part of the industry as a whole.

4. Social workers

With technology threatening many of our jobs, unemployment, or the low-wage sector, is likely to increase. There is a political will to keep people busy, but this is most often done through subsidies and direct contributions, which creates environments where social workers still remain in demand. As such, social service workers will become increasingly valuable over the next five years. If the current system does not change, social inequalities will continue to increase. As no political, financial or mass media willingness to change the spirit of the times seems imminent, social workers are likely to remain sought after.

The work carried out by social workers will be given priority, which will help to reduce and manage tensions in society, or at least direct them away from the real authorities. This means that social workers will have a greater role in many areas.

5. Physiotherapist, one of several requested jobs for the future

Among the more traditional jobs that are currently growing is the role of physiotherapist. This is largely due to the aging population. Experts predict that aging people will make up an even larger proportion of the population in the future than they do today.

In addition, our jobs are becoming more and more sedentary, which gives rise to a number of muscle, bone and circulation problems. This means that more people will be forced to seek help from healthcare professionals, where physiotherapy is likely to become part of everyday life.

A physiotherapist and patient

Game Designer

It is clear that computer games have come to a halt. The gaming world has undergone an incredible change in recent decades, and this looks set to continue for many years to come. Creating these increasingly realistic and complex worlds is a huge task.

It is likely that computer games will also become an important part of the education system in the coming years and will then be used in schools almost daily. As a result, game designers will be increasingly in demand.

7. Master of Science in Engineering

Industrial technology is another profession with a long tradition that looks to have an equally long and bright future. Modern technology and all its many applications help to develop new manufacturing, production and distribution methods. In order for all this to take place properly, civil engineers are still important.

Automation of production processes requires professional knowledge. Those who also specialize in areas such as nano- or robotics, two areas that will be crucial in the coming years, will have many opportunities to choose from.

Of course, many other jobs that are not on this list will also be in high demand over the next five years. In fact, many of the jobs that will be among the most in demand have probably not even been invented yet. They will begin to emerge as new technology develops. The important thing here is to be aware of the changes that seem to shake the world of work and the aspects that will affect our future.

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