Take Care Of Others To Take Care Of Yourself

Take care of others to take care of yourself

Help, support, reach out, listen, protect, look after, hug. All of these actions related to caring for others require courage and generosity because they involve great effort.

But even if they can be a little difficult, they also bring with them many hidden benefits. It is confusing to think that we receive something when we give to other people. Those who are less inclined to be caring for others have a hard time understanding why caring people do the things they do.

You do not have to look very carefully to see what sets caring people apart from everyone else. All you have to do is open your eyes and look. They listen to people who need something to eat, people who want them to sign a petition, people who want to talk for a while.

The English “to care for” comes from the Old English caru. If you look up the definition, you will find words such as concern, attention, consideration and protection. “Care” also refers to providing for, reaching out to, or protecting someone.

Think of an occasion when you took care of someone or something, such as your child, a pet, or a plant. Taking care involves devoting to them, pushing their own needs aside and paying attention to what they need.

Take care of others

The type of care they need differs depending on who or what you are taking care of. You dress children, take pets to the vet and water plants. When you take care of someone else, the action itself is not as important as the attitude you have towards the goal. You can even take care of objects (such as a house or a car), as well as abstract concepts (like ideologies and values), and it’s always the same: you offer them your time and dedication to protect them and make sure that they are not damaged or corrupted.

You probably know the phrase “love yourself so you can love others”. It’s the same with taking care of someone. First, you need to take care of yourself so that you are able to take care of someone else.

Here is a practical example that shows how necessary it is to take care of ourselves so that we can take care of others. Aviation protocols state that when turbulence occurs and the oxygen masks fall down, we should put on our own mask first, before we help our children with theirs. Is this a bad parent’s behavior? Not at all. This means that you take care of your physical safety so that you can then take care of your child, because if you did not do it for yourself, no one would do it for you.

You can not spend hour after hour sleepless caring for a sick family member. You must be able to be alert and able to pay attention to the person’s needs. You are not selfish – you are actually the exact opposite. You are preparing to help the person in an intelligent, rather than desperate, way.

Do not confuse self-love with selfishness. Do not feel guilty. Selfish people only help others because it inflates their own ego. People who have self-love realize that if they first respect themselves, it will be much easier to respect others.

Woman hugging herself

To name another popular saying: “Do not do to others what you would not want them to do to you.” Or in a more positive form: ” Treat others as you want to be treated yourself. “

When caring for someone else, you should think about the way you would like to be cared for. If you were sick, what would you like your caregiver to have in mind? If you were a child, how would your mother or father protect you? When you grow old, how do you want your loved ones to take care of you?

Taking care of others is one of the noblest things you can do. It makes us useful and valuable to ourselves and others. God, karma or the world may not thank you, but your heart will certainly do it.

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