The Most Beautiful Thing In The World Is To Hug The People You Love

The most beautiful thing in the world is to hug the people you love

Sometimes we pass through time without realizing everything we have, without hugging the beautiful people around us. Hugging people you love is one of the most amazing and extraordinary feelings there is.

Laying your arms around people we love has several benefits. We not only feel good ourselves, but also create a fantastic atmosphere that is full of affection and warmth.

That is why it is always a good opportunity to show affection for the people in our lives. It is logical to take advantage of the time we have with them as much as possible.

Hug in the kitchen

Hugs are one of many thousands of ways to say “I love you”. Sometimes we forget that we can regain a sense of affection for the small details of every day. Love is hidden behind every little gestureā€¦

Our mistake is usually in our difficulty in communicating or in our inability to listen. Although affection normally comes from every single one of our pores, our senses are not tuned to these displays of love. We should try to find out how we can tell the people in our lives that we love them every day.

Young and old

For example, we can say good morning and good night to the people closest to us. This allows us to start and end the day in a good mood with the presence and permanence of the most important people in our lives. Another way to show affection and interest is to try to resolve our conflicts. It is important that others feel that we care about how they feel in the relationship.

If someone feels bad, it will also be good for the person to feel that we are there because it will make them feel better. We can try to talk, listen, understand how the person feels, make his day more bearable, etc. Everything we do will produce good consequences.

Furthermore , it is fundamental to remind people we love that we think of them to make them feel special. Being interested in what their day looked like and what they want is another basic aspect of showing your love without expressing it in words.

Young couple hugging

Kisses, hugs and caresses are poems we write about the people we love. Few things are as comforting as the verses that are filled with affection. Few things are as meaningful as hugs.

There is nothing more sincere and true than the union of two bodies, the love of friction and warmth. Hugging the people we love results in a magical explosion of emotions that suddenly becomes necessary, urgent. It is a way of saying how we feel through the soul without words, for the language of affection is universal.

So do not leave until tomorrow the hugs you can give today. Remember that every day of our lives is an easy journey we will never return from, and that the time to enjoy and love is the present.

Pictures from Puung and Claudia Tremblay.

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