The Story Of The Power Of Experience: The Recipe

The story of the power of experience: the recipe

The story of the power of experience begins in a country far from here where a widow lived with her only child.

Her 16-year-old son was her greatest happiness and what motivated her in life. He gave her the strength to keep moving forward.

The mother earned a small income as a seamstress. She was very skilled and she had many clients.

However, it often happened that she had to work from morning to night, but she was always happy because she could give her son everything he needed.

Once she got more customers than she had expected. She got up early in the morning and went to bed when it started to get light. However, she was happy. More clients meant that she received a higher income.

An unexpected situation

After she had completed all her work, the woman had significantly more money than before. She could therefore buy new furniture and also clothes for her son and herself.

She also had money left over to buy what she otherwise could not afford. The woman then started buying things that neither she nor her son had tried before.

For example, she bought exotic fruits and ham. She also bought the pheasant, quail and deer. The boy was happy, because he loved to try new types of food.

After eating the food for a week, the boy began to feel sick. He had a lot of pain in his stomach and felt unwell. His mother asked him to eat less, but he could not. He therefore did not get better, and the days went by.

A necessary question

Butterfly at dusk.

His mother became very worried and did not know how to solve the situation. She did not know if the boy had suffered from food poisoning or if it was just constipation.

She therefore decided to take him to the doctor for a diagnosis.

The doctor examined the boy carefully. His mother told him that he had been eating a lot lately. She also made a list of what kind of food he ate and how much.

The doctor told the mother that this was a very simple case. He simply felt bad because he had eaten too much food. The solution was therefore also very simple.

All the boy needed to do was fast for a week. He was only allowed to drink water and eat small portions of fruit.

The doctor also said that if the boy followed his instructions, he would get better. However, the boy did not want to follow the doctor’s advice, and therefore continued to eat as usual and did not get better.

Then someone told the mother about a wise man who lived among the mountains. The mother became curious and decided to ask him for advice to solve the boy’s problems.

The story of the power of experience

A glass of water.

The woman took advantage of the fact that some of her neighbors had planned a trip to the mountains. She asked them to look for the wise man and tell him about the boy’s situation.

She knew her son had to stop eating to get better. Her neighbors returned a few days later. They informed her of what the wise man had said.

They told her that the young man should follow the doctor’s recommendation. And if the young man continued his destructive behavior, he and his mother would go up to his cabin in a week.

The young man continued to eat and became ill again. One week later, therefore, the mother packed their bags and went to the mountains with her son. She wanted to find a solution to the situation.

The cure in the story of the power of experience

When she arrived at the wise man’s cottage, her mother asked him for advice on what she should do. The wise man replied, “Your son must fast for a week.”

The woman was disappointed because she thought the whole trip had been a waste of time. Then her son said: “I can not fast, it is impossible”.

The wise man replied: “Of course you can fast. I’ve been fasting for a week since I knew you were on your way. ” The young man then felt ashamed and began to fast immediately. After a week he felt better.

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