The Ten Most Stressful Jobs In The World

The most stressful jobs in the world are those that require the most care and self-care. Stress is a factor that directly affects physical and mental health. For this reason, the activities that generate stress must be specifically targeted for consideration.
The ten most stressful jobs in the world

It is obvious that objectively, the most stressful jobs in the world are those that expose people to physical danger, especially where the threat picture is potentially fatal. After all, we are talking here about risks that in themselves cause people significant concern.

However, we should note that in this article we not only refer to physical stress, but also self-perceived mental one. Sometimes the most stressful jobs are not based on the activity itself, but on the conditions in which the worker must work. A simple clerk, without being exposed to any real danger, can have a high workload due to the pressure that managers and colleagues put on it. .

All types of work require to some extent managed care from supervisors or managers. One should always prioritize health over productivity.

Here is a list of what we consider to be the ten most stressful jobs in the world.

A stressed woman

The ten most stressful jobs

1. Military service

Military service is either a service in war or a preparation for it. An armed confrontation is among the most stressful situations one can experience.

In the middle of a conflict, life takes on a whole new dimension, this in an environment that on a psychological level can cause a lot of trauma and grief on a constant basis.

Statistics show that there is a high frequency of psychological disorders among military personnel who are in combat. These disorders often persist long after the actual conflict or situation has ended, and one of the most severe post-traumatic stress.

2. Firefighter service

Firefighters are also often exposed to serious stressful situations. Much of their work is done in chaotic situations, sometimes without the opportunity to influence, and with much at stake.

Each fire or disaster has its own specific characteristics, and there is always a significant level of uncertainty. Emergencies can arise at any time and these heroes must always be prepared to line up. In addition, they nowadays often have to fulfill large amounts of irrelevant tasks imposed by people without experience of what the profession is really about. This is another thing that creates frustration and stress on several levels.

3. Traffic pilot is among the most stressful jobs in the world

Even though today’s aircraft have very high safety levels, they still depend on a pilot to make sure everything goes as it should. They must be constantly aware of everything that happens both inside and outside the aircraft.

In addition to this, it is a job that requires constant changes in scheduling and long absence from home. For the most part, it is a routine job that is easy to get used to, but where you never get to relax; thus, it is not surprising that it is one of the most stressful jobs.

4. Police

Police officers deal with their daily situation with weapons and other circumstances that can cause significant damage. Like the military, they are often exposed to unforeseen and uncontrolled situations that endanger their lives.

They must tolerate a high level of uncertainty because criminals are unpredictable in their thinking or actions. In addition, in many places today they are locked in by politically controlled managers who care more about the prevailing lobbying spirit than protecting their employees. In the middle of the danger and with his hands locked behind his back, it is extremely stressful to be a police officer today.

5. Event organizer

Event organizers do not risk their lives and do not directly expose themselves to tragic circumstances. However, they must take into account many different factors at once. Above all, they must ensure that different and independent activities are coordinated to create excellent results.

On the other hand, it is also common for them to take part in negotiations, sometimes some of them very tricky, and they have to find a way to ensure that all parties are satisfied.

Finally, the fact that they organize public events means that they are particularly exposed to criticism and judgment. That is why we have included them in the list of the most stressful jobs.

6. Reporter

The stress that can arise in a reporter’s work environment depends on three factors. First, the schedule, which varies depending on the circumstances of the events. They must be in place to cover the story when it happens.

Secondly, they too often have to be exposed to dangerous situations and they have to think and act very quickly due to pressure from the public who want live news.

Third , they must be adaptable and able to handle many types of problems and scenarios, as well as be able to handle overwhelming amounts of information. In addition, as part of the media machine, they must be prepared to be exposed to the criticism that is directed at them from a population that continuously places media at the bottom of the credibility scale.

7. Emergency physician is one of the most stressful jobs

In an emergency department, as the name clearly shows us, the situation is urgent and sometimes even critical. The doctors who work there often have to make complex decisions with very little time to spare.

They hold other people’s health and lives in their hands, and that responsibility places a significant psychological burden on them. They also witness pain and suffering and often do not have the tools or resources to effectively process and relieve it.

8. PR

People who work with PR, such as salespeople, have to deal with all types of people. Some people are polite, others are rude, and they often have to meet people who cross the boundaries of acceptable behavior to reach an agreement or to protect the company’s image.

Because of this, this type of job requires a good dose of tolerance and a lot of self-control. Both of these capabilities are often tested. They also tend to have contact with a large number of people. Therefore, they are exposed to a lot of pressure.

9. Taxi drivers

Having to spend most of the day in a closed environment, together with the public, and dealing with all types of traffic situations that may arise in city traffic is already a complicated problem.

If you add the distressed passengers who want to get to the seats faster than is humanly possible or who treat the drivers as rubbish, the pressure increases. Taxi drivers really have to endure high stress levels.

Taxi drivers are one of the most stressful jobs

10. Teachers are among the most stressful jobs in the world

Working with children and teenagers can be very demanding. This is especially the case when there are a large number of children in the classes or where the teachers do not have the necessary resources at their disposal to get the students’ attention or to satisfy their curiosity.

In addition to this, teachers are responsible for the well – being of children, and this means that they must be very careful with their actions, words and reactions. While the teaching profession can be very satisfying, it can also create feelings of helplessness or hopelessness.


The most stressful jobs require a greater effort when it comes to occupational health and safety. Those who perform them must be aware that they are more likely to get sick, to be stressed or to develop fatigue-related problems. It is very important that the people who work in these professions take good care of their physical and mental health. In addition, we all need to work to ensure that authoritarian individuals whose work is redundant do not make it difficult for our heroes in their work situation.

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