Think More, Do More And Talk Less

Think more, do more and talk less

Think three times as much, do twice as much and talk half as much. The world is already full of narrow-minded people talking to others without thinking, people who say a lot but do little. So go against the flow and be wiser, more careful and free from prejudice.

The thing is that it is more difficult to be more flexible in your thought patterns if it is a very complicated situation. In fact, one of the most interesting things you can learn from cognitive behavior is that problems do not really arise from the complicated situations. The way you think about them and interpret your reality can be your best friend or worst enemy.

Every day we make lots of decisions. We immediately ask ourselves why we did what we did, why we did not think about it a little more at first. The same thing happens with many of the words we utter. Sometimes we speak without thinking, and we let our anger, our fear, and our resentment speak to us.

This is something we have all experienced, and we all wonder why it happened. Why are we so prone to error when we need reason most? Instead of being obsessed with self-control , we should look from a perspective of calm, emotional intelligence, reasonableness and personal responsibility.

Birds around head

What does it mean to think three times as much, do twice as much and talk half as much? Is it to think about each decision as much as we can and talk as little as possible? Not at all. It is not to go through life and try to rationalize every action, feeling or desire in rigorous silence. It involves using a very simple series of actions.

1. Learn to listen to yourself.
2. Act according to your thoughts and feelings.
Speak enough and be in line with your true self.

Furthermore , some people allow themselves to be swept away by their automatic actions when they act. Their decisions are often influenced by distorted points of view and feelings of bias. These limiting attitudes result in the loss of endless possibilities and create frustration as well as suffering.

Hanging lanterns

We usually do not realize it, but we all let ourselves be swept away by the same things. The root of them lies in the subconscious, which is full of prejudices. “It is best that I avoid this person because he reminds me of my ex”, “it is better to say no to this project, because if it did not go well for me before, it will be even worse now”. We make arbitrary value judgments without passing them through any filters or developing our awareness. That should not be the case.

Everything that happens in our daily lives is exposed to interpretations from different points of view. It is important to find the one who is most in line with ourselves in a healthy and constructive way. Without bias, without closing doors and without becoming our own worst enemy.

Below we will tell you how to do it.

Breathe, think, feel, decide, act. This is a simple sequence that you should integrate into your daily life. But the problem is that “we never have time for ourselves”. Our lives and our obligations drag with us in their high-speed trains, which makes us make decisions on autopilot.

This is not logical. If we do not have time to think and make better decisions, then what have we become? We must use the right strategies to change this.

Blindfolded eyes

You need to know more than one person speaking without thinking. These people act without taking into account the consequences of their actions, and sometimes they do not even care. We radiate responsibility and respect for ourselves and others when we act without causing harm and think before we make a decision.

  • Do not be obsessed with what you “should” do (I should have done this, I should have said this, I should be smarter and more determined…) . Now the complaints are enough. The best time to improve yourself is always now.
  • Turn off your ego. Do not think that you are infallible. Think, act and speak with humility.
  • It is not enough to just think before you act. You need to learn to feel, to listen calmly to your feelings.
  • Be intuitive when it comes to noticing prejudice. We all develop irrational thoughts that we must take apart and rationalize.
  • Connect your inner self with the outside world so that every decision you make, even if it is risky, is in harmony with your personality and your needs.

Remember that there are no better or worse decisions. You just have to act according to your values ​​and roots. This is something you will only be able to achieve if you know how to listen to yourself, love yourself and respect yourself a little more.

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